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Fount Alexander Svirsky

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Fount Alexander Svirsky

Is the source of the Alexander-Svirsky Monastery near the town of Lodeynoe field in the Leningrad region.

Alexander Svirsky has been a great saint. Back in the youthful particular, when he escaped in the Valaam monastery, he was the Most Holy Mother of God herself and pointed out the place where the monk Alexander has found a monastery. From the water that flows into the well of St. Alexander Svirsky, cured many diseases. Among them - infertility, damage, diabolism, alcoholism.

Prayer, recited in taking water from the well of St. Alexander Svirsky

O sacred head, angels and human terrestrial heaven, holy and God-bearing Father, our Alexander, a hefty and Edinosuschnyya ugodniche Holy Trinity, many living in the grace of thy holy habitation, and all those with faith and love affluent to you showing! Having asked us all these things to the Life of a temporary blagopotrebnaya, contrary to eternal salvation as we needed. Posobstvuy predstatelstvom thy ugodniche God, ruler of the countries, we in Russia. And yes the world glubotse abide Holy Orthodox Church of Christ. Blessed be all of us, chudotvorche holy in any trouble and hardships a very present help. Chiefly in the same hour of death didst cast revealed Himself to us the Paraclete blagoserdy, but not the legend will be on the hardship of air power zlobnago miroderzhtsa, but yes vouchsafed nepretknovennago sunrise in the kingdom of heaven. Yes, Father, molitvenniche our cronies! No interm hope ours does not disdain the humble prayer of ours, but ever for us before the throne of the Trinity Zhivonachalnyya predstatelstvuy, but was granted to, along with thee and with all the saints, and unworthy ashche esmy in the village of Paradise glorify the greatness, grace and mercy Edinago in the Trinity of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen.
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