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Four compass directions Feng Shui

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Four compass directions Feng Shui

To provide beneficial energy of the Earth through the crown chakra - sahasrara, a child must be based on a headboard in a favorable direction. During classes at his desk, he should sit face in the most favorable direction for him. Food nourishes the spirit and body, so the dining table as a child to sit facing in the most favorable direction for him. Success of the child contributes to a favorable direction. Take my word - only one application of the "schools in eight directions" can bring excellent results. This will help us, parents, grow future champions, leaders and millionaires! You can even print a favorable direction of the child, carry them, and always target the baby is on them, no matter where you are - at home, in the country, visiting friends in another city hotel, etc. This also applies to adverse trends. Remember them and try to avoid.

Shen-Chi Tien-And-Nien Yang, Fu-Wei - my best friends!

So, there are four compass directions of Feng Shui with whom your child should become friends once and for all, and it means - and in adult life too. A highlight is the fact that each of the four directions has its own peculiarities, that is, brings different results. Based on the current priorities of the child, you can choose the most necessary for his direction.

1.Shen-Chi (+90). Source of vital energy.

My friends, this is the best direction of the four favorable. It brings good sleep, because this is the best direction for the rest. This direction may be used by children who have reached adulthood. It helps to unlock the creative potential of man contributes to the manifestation of leadership qualities. Above all, Sheng-Chi helps to make lots of money to those children who begin to think about it at an early age.

2.Ten-AND (+80). Heavenly doctor.

If your child will sleep head Chien-I, believe me, it will be less sick. Your child will be less susceptible to epidemics of influenza, SARS and other unpleasant diseases. By the way, the master of feng shui is advised to take vitaminchiki, dietary supplements and drugs, his face turned in that direction, then the heavens themselves will enhance your health.
3.Nen-Jan (70). Harmony in the family.

For adults this direction symbolizes harmony in marriage. A child-Nien Yang helps people become more balanced, calm, obedient and disciplined. So this trend, I recommend "adopt" those parents whose children are hyperactive, inattentive and absent-minded.

4.Fu-Wei (+60). The direction of personal development.

Dear mommy and daddy, if you want your child to succeed academically, in some sports, etc., then by all means try to get your child, lying on the bed and sitting at his writing and a dining table, all the time looked in the direction of personal development. This is especially important during the delivery of tests, examinations or the final sports. If you need to improve child health, and improve its performance in school, you can target your headboard in the direction of Chien and, as a desk to put the child on the face of Fu-Wei.

And one more very important point. The fact that the energy impact of the annual flying stars in the house periodically changes. After a certain period of time is the best direction of a child may become the worst. We must not forget! We'll talk about that later. Deal? Well, we drove on.

Ho Hai, Wu-Gwei, Louis-Sha Tszyue Ming - my worst enemy!

Avoid them. If you want to learn more about the significance of these negative trends, we recommend that you read about it in my book, "I love money."

Eastern and Western children

Knowledge about the affiliation of children to the eastern or western group, we draw from the School of Eight Palaces. " All children of the world, regardless of age, ethnicity, geographic location and other factors can be divided into two groups: East and West. In order to define a group of children, we must calculate his personal Gua number. There are only eight numbers Gua, of which 1, 3, 4 and 9 belong to the Eastern group, 2, 6, 7 and 8 - to the Western Group.

I'm from college really love all kinds of tables. I think they are much easier perception of the information, and allows you to visualize comparative analysis. Therefore, I present to you the table that the numbers indicated, Gua: 1) to the group, and 2) the corresponding element, and 3) compass directions. Why do we calculate the number of Gua children? In order for a child friendly with the above four favorable directions (Shen-Chi Tien And Nien Yang and Fu Wei), and avoid an unfavorable direction (Ho Hai, Wu-Gwei, Lui Sha and Tszyue-Ming).

The numbers of Gua Girls

In calculating the number of Gua girls, and boys, pay attention to two factors.

In what year the child was born? Prior to 2000, or after? In what month baby? Until 4 February, or after? After all, the Chinese Lunar New Year differs from European in that it starts from February 4, not 1 January. If a child is born until 4 February, then, before you use formula, you must subtract one year from that date. For example, if a child was born January 29, 1999, consider starting from 1998. Remember this! By the way, there are borderline birthdays, then it is better to apply to the precise lunar calendar.

Calculations of Gua girls born before 2000

Take the year of birth of the girl child and fold the last two digits. If you received a two-digit number, then continue folding until you get a number, consisting of one digit. Add to the result of 5, again reduced to a single digit, you end up with the number of Gua daughter or granddaughter.

1 st example. The girl was born June 7, 1998.

Then, 9 + 8 = 17 1 + 7 = 8 8 + 5 = 13; 1 + 3 = 4. Thus, the number of Gua - 4.

2-d example. The girl was born on October 8, 1990.

Then the 9 + 0 = 9 9 + 5 = 14 1 + 4 = 5. This case is an exception to the rule, because the number of Gua 5 does not exist. Therefore, if in the end we got the number 5, then it automatically becomes the girls' 8, ie the number of Gua - 8.

Calculations of Gua girls born after 2000

When this computation is done the same calculations as before 2000. But instead of 5 should be added 6.

For example, Katya was born April 12, 2001.

Then 0 + 1 = 1 1 + 6 = 7. Number of Gua Katya - 7.

That's it. Nothing complicated, right? And now the same mathematical calculations are made for boys - future leaders.

The numbers of Gua for boys

Calculations of Gua boys born before 2000

Take the year of the birthday boy and fold the last two digits. If you received a two-digit number, keep folding until you get a number, consisting of one digit. Subtract this number from 10. This will be a number of Gua son or grandson.

1 st example. The boy was born March 20, 1999.

Then 9 + 9 = 18, 1 + 8 = 9 10 - 9 = 1. Thus, the number of Gua - 1.

2-d example. The boy was born Sept. 12, 1995.

Then 9 + 5 = 14 1 + 4 = 5. Gua number 5 does not exist. Therefore, if in the end we got the number 5, then it automatically becomes the boys 2, ie the number of Gua - 2.

Calculations of Gua boys born after 2000

With this calculation the same calculations as before 2000. But instead of 10 should be subtracted from 9.

For example, Vovochka born October 5, 2003.

Then 0 + 3 = 3 = 9.3 6. Number of Gua Vovochka - 6.

As you saw in the calculations of numbers Gua boys no big deal. Moreover, it is even entertaining.

We remain with you to clarify friendly (friendly) and hostile (negative) direction for each number of Gua. To do this, carefully examine the table below.

Now, it all, my dear, I am at peace for your children. After all, I present to you the whole arsenal of sticks-vyruchalochek and know that if you correctly apply my "fenshuyskie" advice, then your children will enjoy excellent health, enjoy the incredible success and inexhaustible energy. After you call for help of energy by the Earth itself! Importantly - use it. Take Action! Be creative! And enjoy!

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