Four elements are fire, earth, air and water. They talk a lot about the temperament of an astrologer of his client. Abundance or absence of the element will show how a person behaves. Of course, the signs of sun, moon and horoscopes are very important, determining the temperament or mental make-up anyone, but stellium (group) of the four planets in the element also has a very noticeable effect on the nature of human responses to energy. The combination of the elements in any map defines the personality and inner warehouse person.
Fire signs of astrology.
Fire signs react to energy very rapidly and directly, without beating around the bush. They can be impulsive, passionate and unpredictable. They prefer action and active lifestyle. They are also easy-going, ready to carry cases, this creative personalities, enthusiastically responding to the various proposals.
This applies especially to Aries and Sagittarius, but even the Lions, with characteristic thoroughness, have expressed an adventurous inland depots and, of course, the greatest self-confidence. All fiery signs like risk, novelty, work on new projects, create your own business or travel. People fire signs also possess self-confidence and high self-esteem. They live a full life, is love of life and relate to life with great enthusiasm.
Earth signs astrology.
Earth signs are more cautious in their approach to energy. People born under earth signs are more practical than people born under the signs of other elements, trezvomyslyaschi more and more likely to secure a solid foundation before taking the next step. Their attitude more cautious, conservative, more thoughtful. Taurus is very thorough and really think through your steps. Virgin prone to analysis. Capricorns, despite the desire to climb higher, do it with caution. They need to see the situation, have a plan and an organized structure, before they begin their ascent. Earth signs take time to prepare. They are reliable, carefully and thoroughly.
Air signs astrology.
Air signs are suitable for power from within. They are characterized by openness in dealing with people, sociability and thirst for knowledge. They are always willing to enter into new partnerships or friends, and they like to learn new things. They are easy to come to the excitement, and sometimes they tend to talk more and think about things, than take any real action. Twins have a very inquisitive mind. They are easily taken for study, but they are inborn duality can be misleading.
Anyone who lives with the twins will tell you that it is hard to predict what part of his multifaceted personality will manifest itself when it is morning, get up from bed. Scales tend to create partnerships. They want a love affair, they love to be able to love and often fall in love. Nothing will stop Aquarius, if he or she has a purpose or they are obsessed with a passion. Aquarians need to express their uniqueness. They want freedom, they are very independent, and some think they should certainly leave his mark in this world. Air signs are outgoing, talkative, are interested in ideas and other people.