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Four hypostasis water

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Four hypostasis water

Water has four spiritual essence, or four incarnation.

* First hypostasis - ordinary water , which we encounter every day. It can be tap, river, sea, but its essence is one. This water has a very important task: to saturate all living organisms moisture needed for essential life processes. In addition, plain water is as though the material basis for all other incarnations. With it, we are going to work.

* The second hypostasis - the holy water . This is a high nature, which is mysteriously connected to two spirits: the spirit of life (inherent in each of the water) and the Holy Spirit, who descends into the usual water thanks to a special sacrament, called the Blessing of the Waters. Holy water is a strong medicine, but medicine is, rather, to the soul than the body. On it, we'll talk further.

* Third hypostasis - holy water springs. This is also holy water, but besides the Holy Spirit, it is present and the essence of the saint, under whose auspices it is. Saints springs emerge from the earth through signs and wonders. Water is sacred springs has absolute healing properties, that is, can cure all diseases. However, as with any potent medication, it has its indications and contraindications. On how to properly use the water holy springs, and where they are located, we will talk in "Saints and healing springs" (see sec. 44).

* The fourth hypostasis - personal water. Sometimes it is called the "charged". Such water does not exist in finished form. It must be a special way to prepare - ie, "charge", or programming. Do not be surprised by what they saw here is the modern word. Rites performed by the water, giving it power over our illnesses and afflictions - very old. But we live in today's world, hurry, hurry, each time to explain to us once. And the word "programming" is the best suited to tell about the miracle that occurs with water. We are laying in the water information, which starts in a special way. Work is done, and we got the result. Is not it true, is very similar to the action of a computer programmed to perform certain tasks?
Personal water also provide for certain tasks, but only for a specific person - because she called personal. It treats the disease (the effect of water narrowly focused), it can help solve different problems in life. Learn how to "recharge" the water can each person, this need not be psychic. I will say more: as usual "charge" water psychics (ie, running his hands over a bowl of water) - the little-effective way to program the water. Water - a living entity and, like every living being, does not tolerate violence on themselves (and that's what people do who are trying to send the energy of his hands into the water). With water need to negotiate, then it will create for you the right program. About how this is done, we'll talk. We also consider various water rituals aimed at reviving and rejuvenating the body, which uses private water.

All four are hypostasis health and wellbeing. It is only necessary to treat the water with confidence and attention - and it will fix not only your health but also your destiny.

In the waters - Amrita, in the waters - a remedy,

And the glory of the water

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All medicinal

And Agni, all-good,

And that water vseistselyayuschi.

On the water, donate generously remedy

How to protect my body,

And I long to see the sun!

Blow off of water, then

What is sinful in me:

If I cheated

Or if cursed, and the whole truth!
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