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Free psyhchic reading online and psychic network For 2010
Your Psychic Predictions For 2010:
In my psychic predictions, for 2010, I envision an energized year full of growth and opportunity, for all. Initially, I see a sharp thrust propelling us forward, into the New Year. The thrusts crescendo energizes the first several months of the year. In my vision, I see the areas of macroeconomics, employment, personal finance, education, and relationships benefiting heavily during this period.
I foresee the last week of January catalyzing the economic substrates created during 2009. I sense that the decisions made, and the information gleaned during this week act to energize the global economic matrix, thrusting us forward into the New Year. I see the equilibrium point, set in the last quarter of 2009, shifting to a higher level during this period. I sense that planning a viable financial strategy and action plan to capitalize on this shift leads to an increase in personal wealth.
I sense that April, and June add significant amounts of catalyzing reagents to this process increasing its rate of change. I see global resolutions, to long standing: environmental, monetary, and trade related issues, intensifying January's initial economic thrust. This positive economic momentum continues to shift the equilibrium point higher, month over month, into July.
Fueled by a constant stream of positive data points fed into the economic system via the positive feedback loop of global economic news, local economic data, and continuing economic growth. I sense that the global economic system ultimately becomes whole during 2010; restored to its pre-crisis levels of economic activity, and wealth. In addition, although increased global debt levels appear to contradict this. An actionable plan emerges to unwind the global economic emergency measures set forth during 2009, in a timely fashion. This plan acts to mitigate any headwinds that may seek to hinder global restoration, and addresses the issues of trade deficits, protectionism, and global monetary policies.
I sense that employment issues slowly subside during 2010. Job creation moves to the forefront of the political agenda. This acts synergistically with the initial macroeconomic thrust initiated during the last week of January ultimately acting to free up credit markets. I sense that as a direct result global demand for goods, and services increases. With this, increase of demand a need for increased production levels, inventory levels, and employees' results.
I see a continued move towards the educational ideals of 2009. Green energy, preventive medicine, and efficiency become the buzzwords, for 2010. I see education shifting focus onto the green collar, biotechnological, engineering, and information systems careers of the future. I sense that retraining of the current work force, to fill niches in the emerging job markets of tomorrow, becomes a priority as well this year.
With increased financial stability, I see relationships stabilizing and becoming less strife ridden. I also sense that 2010 provides an opportunity for those looking for that special someone, to find them. I sense that our focus shifts away from the fears associated with finances, and careers. This releases essential energies needed to: find a soul mate, engage in social activities, and form solid relationships. Overall, I feel 2010 promises to strengthen existing relationships, and foster a nourishing environment for new relationships to take root.
I see 2010 as the year of restoration and wholeness. I foresee personal finances, career opportunities, educational opportunities, and relationships all receiving an energizing boost during 2010. I sense 2010 restores us as a people. This restoration occurs on a personal, national and, global level. I believe the seeds planted, in 2009, bear their fruits, in their time, during 2010. Because of the events that occur during 2010, I foresee that we make it through the mistakes of the past. These mistakes do exact a hefty price, however, in the form of a permanent change to our global, local, and personal landscapes.
Free psyhchic reading online and psychic network and Monthly Outlook
Your Monthly Psychic Outlook for March 2010:
March appears to come in like a lion and go out like a lamb. Pessimism and negativity lurk about during the beginning of the month. Towards the middle of the month, however we begin to see a reversal in this sentiment. Much like the fish that make up the sign of Pisces the flip-flopping we experience this month occurs ad nauseam. Approaching the end of the third week of March a clear plan laid out gives us a new direction and purpose to our beliefs. Overall, during the month of March, I foresee the redefinition of recent anomalous, apparitional, and aberrant data as extreme outliers, and consequently excluded from the mean. During the First week of March, I foresee that our appetites return. Interestingly enough despite our hunger pangs our fear of the unknown still haunts us preventing us from enjoying a full meal. However, during the month of March our primal instinct to hunt, eat, and mate ultimately overcomes this apprehension. Moreover, I see a strong return to nesting behaviors, which includes the procurement of domiciles, comfort items, and furnishings. The second week of March marks the return of confidence and optimism. I foresee that despite the aura of negativity that abounds, a more optimistic outlook emerges this week. In fact, I sense that confidence achieves a new localized high this week. While the second week kept hope alive, the third week plays on the fear of the unknown. Although, many preach the end of times the truth illuminates the dark void. I see that just as the silhouettes that haunt us become the most frightening we look behind us and see the puppeteers holding the true mundane objects that caused our despair. These objects although frightening in the shadow world lose all power once their ominous shadows give way to the illuminating truth of their true form this week. March’s final week ushers in a renewed global sense of well being. I sense that although many still entrenched in worry about global issues find reason for optimism this week. I see a reversal in sentiment regarding global stability during this week.
Free psyhchic reading online and psychic network Weekly Forecast
Your Weekly Free Psychic Forecast for 22 March 2010:
In this week’s Free Psychic Reading, I see a return to productivity in our lives. I foresee in my psychic vision those currently experiencing financial hardship finding relief. In particular, I see the plans, actions, and efforts of those seeking employment paying off this week. In my vision, I see a flame energizing the atmosphere with optimism, enthusiasm, and a call to action. This call to action inspires the hiring of individuals to innovate, implement, and produce the goods and services of the future. I foresee, in my free psychic reading that the highly motivated, the creative problem solvers, and those with the can do attitude find the most success. I also see that this week still requires action on your part in order to secure your blessing. I assure you that wallflowers will leave the dance this week with whom they came with. Therefore, do not hesitate to get out and find your blessing this week.
Daily Free Psychic Reading Online
Your Daily Free Psychic Reading for 24 March 2010:
I see that your power of attraction forms the core influence of your day. Your deep, intense thoughts formulate an actionable plan for success. Moreover, your imaginative ideas attract the attention of higher ups today. These ideas, regarded as sheer genius, and your novel plans to implement them receive accolades. Your optimistic, enthusiastic, and independent attitude garners you the respect of those around you as well. A special someone takes more than a casual notice of your newly found success. In fact, a romantic love interest arises because of this. This relationship full of adventure and vitality gives you what you have been looking for, in your love life. You are in the zone today as universal harmonics tune into your life.
Our Psychic Mission
Our mission at the Free Psychic Network is to provide a means for people looking for affordable online psychic advice to find it. The Free Psychic Network truly offers you a diverse and unique venue to get your individualized psychic questions answered. In addition, we also believe that all individuals regardless of age, creed, gender, religion, or orientation deserve respect. We believe all individuals have unique and valuable psychic insights, psychic ideas, and psychic experiences that may broaden our perspectives on life. Free Psychic Network emphasizes the integration of our corporal nature, mind, and spiritual being. We believe these concepts form the foundation for physical, mental, and spiritual health. Please, stay awhile and experience a diverse cross section of spirituality. In addition, please consider visiting one of the many psychics listed on the Free Psychic Network. Their psychic insight and psychic guidance may very well open your mind to new thoughts, ideas, and concepts.
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