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Friends of your children

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Friends of your children

Of course, it is desirable that their parents knew. But to insist upon it as ridiculous as to organize surveillance of its fumes. Not only ridiculous but also dangerous. What to do? First, the child must know that he can bring friends to his home. And while parents will not harass the guest questions, tests, provocation or negative attitudes. If you can show respect for your child, respecting his guests, he would be proud of you and grateful for it. Such behavior of parents at once to increase the rating and the status of your child in the eyes of friends. But sometimes the parents rush to the other extreme - they allow the fumes to arrange their favorite home thoroughfare. That they will have with this - nothing, except that the children themselves and then blame them that they're not smart enough and maloavtoritetny.
The tone of the house should still ask their parents. Children may feel more mature, but do not let them make mistakes. Invite friends - it is certainly their business, but they still have to learn to be masters, with all the consequences, including warning parents about their parish, and washing dishes after tea or lunch. If your children tell you about my friends - that means they trust you. Be considerate and value the trust of your child. If you talk to those who come to you, do not you dare give out the secrets of your children, do not show the form that you are aware that the secret of his friends told your kids.
If the friends of your children you do not like , do not rush to categorical tone of this report. Look closely and tell your child to do so. Let your conversation has the nature of the conversation or an exchange of views, but it should not be built as a criticism, condemnation, or questioning. Of course, orgies, carousing and zhurfiksy with broken sofas are not allowed. But to celebrate her birthday with friends, in addition, if you enter a number (only part of it, of course, then to you in English left the celebration), your child, of course, is entitled. If you do not leave at night and if he has the correct idea of the framework in which every person should behave, especially then. Value the trust our children and led them. It may well be that such a relationship when something will be crucial when your child will need advice and support.
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