Friendship with the father
Someone enough to have intimate friend, and someone - a true friend. Someone needs one, but truly devoted friend, and someone needs a big company friends, where you can have a good time and socialize. Maybe someone knows of his friend almost from the cradle, and some friends recently ... Yes, and the criteria in the selection of friends, each governed by its - some believe that one should be full of opposites, while others want their one was a soul mate who share their interests, thoughts and aspirations. But in some cases, everything will take a very special way. Friendship, which will be discussed in this article, unlike the rest of her options. It happens, and, fortunately, quite often that women are best friends closest to her people - the parents. Well, it's wonderful when parents and children is such a relationship.
And here it is time to break one of the stereotypes that often takes hold of our consciousness. For some reason to think that for my daughter's best friend is his mother and the son - the father. Like, a woman a woman better understand what a man. Conversely, the father can easily find common language with my son. But life is complex, and she loves to present us surprises. Who said, for example, that for my daughter's best friend can only be a mother? Is not it so happens that her daughter finds a greater understanding is your father? Or uncle? Agree that such situations are possible in this life. And do not be afraid of what you dream is about a friendship, or that such an unusual friendship you have already formed - everything is possible, and the woman need only be glad that she has such a friend. Not everyone can boast of such warm and trusting relationship with his father and uncles (and even more so with his stepfather, whom many perceive as totally alien to the human family). But you have such a friendship is!

If you have not yet decided for themselves whether it is possible that such a strong, sincere friendship was formed with you, we should reflect on what is, for such a friendship (and whether there are any) prerequisites. Suppose, scrolling in the opposite direction "that segment of life, which she had lived, a woman recalls that in her childhood upbringing see more father than her mother. And such things are not so rare. "Mom was too busy with household chores (a favorite work, career, his own persona, finally), to deal with me!" - These words can say a lot. But if a woman felt themselves harmed a child? Probably not, if next to her was her father: attentive, loving, caring and understanding. And not only was near, and helping business and advice, sympathy, and her daughter looking for ways to solve its problems.
When his daughter was a little girl, who, unless he took her with him on a fishing trip in the park, ride the carousel, told many tales and stories, tying shoelaces on unruly children shoes, drove in a kindergarten and a school helped to cope with the unpalatable puzzles in algebra - and genuinely pleased when his daughter has successfully passed the State exams in high school? If you do not remember one situation in which the father had behaved in this way, then certainly between a father and you may have arisen true friendship - is his daughter only the first step forward. And maybe this friendship has already appeared, and all that you have to - it is to appreciate it, be proud of it and understand all its implications.
So, let's talk about what can be so attractive and valuable to the daughter of friendship with the father ? And do not think that talking about values of friendship that we view it from some consumer products (say, if you will make friends with his father, then you will from it will be such and such a benefit). We are primarily going to talk about spiritual values that are so important in this friendship. The first and most important value of this friendship, perhaps, is that it is a loving father can understand her daughter like no other. He knows his daughter is literally from the cradle. Not everyone, even the most loyal and sincere friend can boast that you know so well, even before you were born!
And whatever they say, no matter how disputing neighbors, friends and acquaintances about to whom the woman is more like - the mother or father, she should always remember that it is true daughter of her father, and not to forget about it for a minute. This will greatly help to strengthen its friendship with the father. Sure, certain features of his father is even in appearance to his daughter that in itself is probably closer. But the main thing is not even that. The fact that her daughter has also a certain character traits are inherited from the father and the father feels it. This may be his father's stubbornness, determination, or, conversely, the softness of nature, and can be an inexhaustible sense of humor and sociability. In short, one way or another, but somehow his character, each of us recalls not only the mother and father. But this just brings father and daughter, even more than physical resemblance. It is easy to assume that because of the similarity in the character's daughter and the father may be some common interests, hobbies, which, of course, also brings them closer.
And how often it happens that in some situations it is the father realizes his daughter is better than the most tender and loving mother! And it is not surprising, as we are talking about those situations in which the daughter of his father's manifest character traits. At such moments, his father accurately recognizes himself in his daughter proud of her and understands her actions, statements, views that sometimes did not understand her mother. It often happens: the mother of the woman sees only a misunderstanding and even irritation due to the fact that it is completely unable to understand his daughter and explain her actions, but from her father, she sees a full understanding of, the justification of an act. It is important, of course, primarily is an understanding - how can there friendship if there is no understanding between friends? Situations in which the father was more understanding than her mother, refers to his daughter, can result in a great variety: in fact, they occur much more frequently than it may seem.