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Friendship with vypendrezhnikom

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Friendship with vypendrezhnikom

Maybe you did not make relations with vypendrezhnikom, adores to show off and splurge. Well, even if you do not attract a boyfriend, "vypendrezhnik" can still be useful. For what? This is the second question. Let's say you do not attract foreign Ponte. But you must agree, and certainly in your life, there are times when to splurge was a must. If among your friends men have this here "pontyarschik" - for you it's a great opportunity. Use it as a partner in the game, even if necessary to help you bluff. Friendship with vypendrezhnikom - it is extremely convenient.

You may seem that playing on the audience and work on their image - a stupid, ridiculous exercise. In fact, it can be a very effective method of bringing excellent results. As an example I can give my own little sister. Alina lived in a small town, but she was very ambitious and intelligent. When Aline knocked eighteen, she decided it was time to start building a career. However, settle into a cafe as a waitress or cleaning lady, as did most of her odnogruppnits was not in her plans. Too modestly. Alina did not want to start small. She wanted everything at once. And therefore developed a clever strategic plan.

Turning for help to his ex-boyfriend, who was a perfect master all the subtleties of a bluff, Alina told him their wishes. After a week of preparations for the most pathos nightlife drove stained black Porsche Cayenne. Behind the wheel sat a young man trained in a suit. Out of the car, he walked to the back door, opened it, shook hands with his glamorous passenger.

With the grace of well-groomed cats Alina out of the car and said to the club. Its spectacular appearance has not gone unnoticed.
-Call me an art director, please - cast Alina slightly arrogant.

A minute later she told pyalivshemusya her art director, she Moscow producer club shows and she is ready to arrange a splendid parade-show underwear. A month later show really took place. A couple of years Alina has become his own man in the club business. Now in her twenties, she already behind a solid track record. What do you think would get the coveted chance to Alina if I had the first interview in the image is not a successful businesswoman, and ordinary students?
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