Friendships with colleagues
Good to have "their man" in office. In the cycle of corporate intrigue and clever manipulation so nice to have his right hand man, who can be relied upon. Friendship with colleagues : the need or risk? Of course, it is nice to have good relations in the team. But close friendships with colleagues still a risky business. True, if your business interests did not overlap, perhaps there is no danger in such a relationship there. For example, if you are creator and your girlfriend - the marketer. You have different positions, different responsibilities, even the bosses are likely different. And therefore, your friendship is not a risk in your career. Of course, unless you have a full-time do not spend a gossip in the smoking room.
But if you direct sales representatives or managers and constant rival for the highest sales for the seat of the supervisor, for increasing the advertising budget, etc., the sincere friendship is hardly possible. Moreover, it is likely to harm your career. After all, you have to compete with someone you man. So, if you win your match, you'll feel guilty, you lose - big chance to become angry and closed. Of course, there are exceptions. For example, I have a friend familiar model. They get along very well and does not make her bitter rivalry enmity rather play a "friendly competition". If you manage such a complex type of relationship, congratulations! But in general mix professional and personal is not recommended.

Psychologists say that such confusion is pretty hard to mind. First of all, friendship takes a lot of time. Working time! Is reasonable to spend on the job! Second, some damage the business reputation. Of course, if you're just friend, then do not worry about it. But if you're close friends with a colleague, the exchange of frank mail address and the endless chatter of ICQ can be bad for careers. In particular, I know a case where advertising manager sent a salesperson very long spicy Mail, which described all the details of an intimate interview with the programmer Kolya. According to the law of genre mail accidentally hit to the head. It's not so difficult, especially in large offices, where the letters come on a single server. Both girls have cut salaries this month.
So before you start intimate friendships with colleagues, think carefully about whether it is in order?
Risk advice
Another aspect of the same problem - this situation is reversed. That is, when your girlfriend asks you to help her get a job in your company. Whether to recommend any friends to their superiors? And that is: the risk or, conversely, the introduction of "their people"? The first situation is when your girlfriend is really a great professional, and her candidacy is absolutely meets all the requirements of your company. In this case, recommend it to his boss on your part is appropriate and even beneficial.
Get what you helped pick up valuable employee in the firm, surely your boss will count this achievement into your asset and it is possible that will continue to listen to your opinion. The only problem in this case - it is your friendship. Argued that the cooperation and friendship is very bad mix. And my personal experiences often proves the validity of this opinion. For example, three sheets to my man quarreled with his best friend after three months of working together: "He just got me - I explained to my man - we are seen to twenty hours a day.
When ever you see each other at work, one does not want to meet on a football and a barbecue. I got the feeling that we have with him is not friendship, but a bad marriage. In the end I just jumped and yelled at him. Most of what I uttered to him, I really do not think! In short, he quit and after a while we began to make friends. But since then, my opinion is this: with your friends need to drink beer, and not to do business. Otherwise you will lose and friends, and will cover all cases.
I had a similar experience. Once I, my sister and my best friend decided to put a show produced and fashionable clothes. In this case, we immediately shared responsibilities: I wrote the script and was leading, my sister was doing the administrative work, and a friend put the show itself, and has worked with models. Each of us individually was very good in his case, but together we have some reason has always acted in the role of the famous trio: swan, the crayfish and pike. Show cost us a lot of nerve cells, however, and turned it brilliant. Oddly, after this risky procedure, our friendship only got stronger. By the way, now that we've worked together, everything runs like clockwork.
It turns out joint projects may affect the friendship very differently. And as will be in your case, it is very difficult to predict. However, there are situations when it is best not to take risks, because failure is guaranteed in advance. For example, if your friend asks her to recommend a specific position in your company and you are at the same time you know she does not possess the necessary qualifications. In this case you are not worth risking your job. It is not necessary to attach to the work of man, embellishing his experience and track record. After all, if it fail, the blame and the responsibility will fall on you. Can you honestly say this to his girlfriend. Or, if you're afraid to risk your relationship, explain that you simply do not have the influence due to his superior, to recommend him to anyone.