Games of our yard
It is a pity that in our lives now almost disappeared concept of "yard". It was in the yard often occurred most cheerful and noisy games. Rebyatnya from morning till night hovered around the yard, playing in the voynushki "or" cops and robbers. " Children of all ages absolutely spent time together - laughed, fought, made peace. Was a real baby fraternity. Older looking after younger and having fun playing together. The parents were calm and free - children were busy playing with his comrades. In those days parents were not afraid to let go of five-six years of a child into the yard. Children have also been a great opportunity to learn and explore the world together. In general, as the saying goes: the wolves are fed and the sheep are safe. Beauty!
But over time, everything in life is change. Games of our court have sunk into oblivion. And it rarely seen a merry band of kids, enjoy the time freedom and lack of strict supervision. "The dangers lie in wait for us at every turn!" Is it sensible parents to let her five-, six-, seven children on the street alone? Yes, for anything! It was full of cars, stray dogs, maniacs and those suspicious-looking! Control, vigilant control! And we can understand, because we love our children and worried about them. But sometimes we're trying so hard to protect your child from "bad influences" that we do not notice as we reduce the level of communication to a minimum. Tell me, whom they talk to your kids? You can count on my fingers! Basically - kindergarten, well, someone has a couple of friends of children in the house or porch, more, maybe two or three people - the children of your friends. And then your child will meet with them on occasion, often unable to find common themes for games and conversation. Everything! A younger kid just need to communicate.
And once a child has no opportunity himself to find his friends, this should do you. No, do not choose him friends, and give him this opportunity. Do not be lazy to go out with the baby for walks, even if it is a day spent in the garden, and you yourselves dead tired. And more so if he does not visit the garden, and you have the time and effort. Do not deny your child if he wants to invite someone to visit, to cede him. Remarkably, if your child will attend any development center or a sports club. This is also a communication. Do not expect that he will make friends with everyone. The children also have bad mood, and they too can not converge characters. All children are different: some meanie and vredina someone demure and skromnik, someone getting up and humorist. And the overall game is good for them. Children learn to defend their opinion, to forgive wrongs, to make friends.

Adults are not the strength to go back to my childhood. And no matter how we tried, we still treat the child not as friends as well as parents. Have friends will ensure that your child does not get your feet wet or to prohibit climbing on the trees? Of course not. It's little things in life, and children not to have anything to do! That's why in addition to communicating with parents, children really need to spend time with their peers. Among peers the child feels comfortable with: no one pulls it, do not require him to obey, no checks. Your child feels important, significant, independent. He reaches in the children's communication that we have by virtue of their parental love and care can not afford it - FREEDOM! So do the same for their children this wonderful gift - spending time with friends!