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Many people dream of a risk and hit the jackpot. Yes, the movie risks often brings not only an excuse, but to drink expensive champagne. And as in real life? How many beautiful stories, tales of bright, loud legends composed of gamblers! People love stories about how people happened to be in a casino, all beat in poker and then lived happily ever after in abundance and prosperity. Or more of the trenchant: A man went to the casino with a million dollars, put everything in one fell swoop on the "red" and eventually walked away with two million. And a lot of tales about the winners in the lottery and any superviktorinah. Unfortunately, most fans of a variety of risk is very naive and unaware of the true state of affairs:

1. Casino always wins. Always! There are no exceptions, no luck! If the casino does not always won, it would not have flourished. Do not get fooled by "lacquer freebie. Free cheese only in a mousetrap. Or do you think a casino - a charitable organization?

2. The only people who can actually make money gambling - is not "lucky", and professional players. Most of them are mathematics education and vast experience. They spend years learning all the nuances and intricacies of the game. These players know that you can earn on blackjack, poker, harder to be unrealistic - at roulette. They are not at risk, they are sure.

3. Gambling is addictive, exactly the same as alcohol or drugs. You may think that you just venture a man came to have fun and tickle their nerves. But for owners of establishments you come then that would be "hooked" on the whole thing.
And make no mistake that they make every possible effort to make you come back to the casino again and again, even against his own will or financial capacity. In the course go any tricks. You will treat drinking on the house, you will gain little to provoke appetite. So before you risk the honestly earned money, ask yourself, what are your chances of success. Do you personally know someone who hit the jackpot playing online gambling ? Be aware of all the types of risks, this is perhaps the most naive and most senseless!
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