Garlic seed from the evil eye, damage
The smell of garlic makes no devil. His take on an empty stomach in the morning to drive from spoiled man frogs, snakes and worms. Garlic is spread in a house that still fails to start the Evil One. Juice, garlic, crosses painted on the doors and windows.
• udder rubbed the juice of garlic or onions from spoiling.
• If you take sitting bath in the decoction of green feathers and stalks of garlic, it causes increased separation of urine and menses and tribal prints last.
• Garlic is useful from the bites of poisonous snakes and reptiles, if you drink it in wine.
• The broth of garlic in vinegar is useful when bitten by a rabid dog.
• Garlic is useful for breeding thick sputum, encumbering the lungs, abdomen and uterus. Used when a water disease from autumn fevers.
• Serum, cooked with garlic, is very useful from the chronic cough, plague and poisons.
• garlic juice destroys lichen, rash, scab, scabs and warts.
• garlic, cooked in water, it is useful in the morning and evening soar feet to those from whom they are swollen.
• The chickens in the language of common illness, which is called pips. From the disease they are fed with fresh garlic, or rub them the language of garlic juice.
• Garlic boiled in milk, is used for internal cancer.
• Outer garlic juice is used in hair loss.
• When exhaustion, rheumatism, diseases of the legs, respiratory garlic boiled in water with sugar to a dark syrup.
• Garlic displays leech stuck to his throat.
• Broth Garlic helps when you cough, pain in lower back, removes the last of the uterus, treats hemorrhoids, improves complexion and makes his rosy.
• Helps with shingles and eczema, if you mix it with vinegar, as well as cold form tumors.
Garlic should not use patients with epilepsy, a full-blooded people and pregnant women.
Drinking large amounts of garlic cause the weakness of the eyes and headache.