Generic relationships
The topic of tribal relations is not paid enough attention, and there are definite reasons. After the revolution in the Soviet Union conducted a global experiment to establish social homogeneity. As a result, were destroyed by various associations of people: caste, community, communities, parties, church congregations ... All this was done in order to facilitate the education of the "new man" on the principles of an entirely new ideology. The task was to minimize the importance of family, since it was he who carried the traditions of the past and interfere with root a new, communist ideology. After the revolution in the Soviet Union was tasked to minimize the importance of family, since it was he who carried the traditions of the past and interfere with root a new, communist ideology.
Political views shared by the people. During the Civil War against each other stand up not only do people from one family, but some families. Many died in the fratricidal war, while others have emigrated, others died of starvation, the fourth perished in the camps and prisons ... Most of the noble families who had not managed or not might want to emigrate, were forced to trying to distance itself from its roots, and children were forced to abandon their parents. And the nobles went at it for the sake of their future for their children. People burned family papers and photos, change their names and nationality. patrimonial relations forcibly changed. People burned family papers and photos, change their names and nationality. patrimonial relations forcibly changed.
Then came industrialization and the great migration of the builders of socialism. Most simply did not become home, family, genus and grandmother and grandfather, with traditions and memories. People under duress or for an idea to leave their seats and found themselves in foreign lands - in the North, Far East or in the powder. Dneproges, Turksib, Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Magnitogorsk, Kuznetsk, Bratsk, Krasnoyarsk, BAM and hundreds of towns were built separated from their roots youth. Industrialization and the forced displacement of millions of people deprived of home, family, genus and grandmother and grandfather, with traditions and memories.
The war and postwar repression against individuals and peoples have led to further break tribal relations. It is hard to recall when and in what other country could move would be similar in scale and consequences of experimenting with childbirth. Thus was formed the "Soviet man ... man torn from the genus and family so that he was left alone with a powerful state machine and turned it into a cog. Thus was born "Ivana does not remember the relationship." A man digging on the genus and family in order to keep him one on one with the powerful state machine and turned it into a cog.
Forced displacement of large masses of people on the "new lands", change their social status (eg, degeneration of farmers, in metallurgy, coal miners, the builders ...), the passage of much of the population through the prisons and camps led to the deformation of the structure of the gene pool of Russia. Moreover, the deep karmic problems caused by such disasters, are still waiting to be explored.
The destruction of tribal relations
Why did this happen? For what was done forcibly changing tribal relations? Nothing new under the sun ... took place in Russia in the XX century, the processes were merely a repetition of what has been exactly one thousand years ago during the replacement of one ideology on the other. I am referring to the baptism of Rus. Then it was no less committed to a global impact on society over the violence came from. Why repeat history? Because the development of both processes was caused by exposure of the same reasons. Generic foundations slow down and stop the development of man. The development process has come to Earth man is mandatory. And if it does not solve this problem, then again and again falls into crisis, says farewell to life and is reborn to realize the inherent therein potency.

The first reason lies in the nature in itself, impeding the person. And here we see the main problems posed by the crisis - slowing down and stopping in human development. Tradition, the patriarchal nature of the kind associated human hands and feet and do not let it evolve. But development has come to Earth man is mandatory. A man - unique ability to excel on the planet. And that his ability to be implemented. To do this, and created our physical world, for this man and became "leather garments". And if it does not solve this problem, then again and again falls into crisis, says farewell to life and is reborn to realize the inherent therein potency. Kind of task is to help a person to be born, grow, time to let go and contribute to further development. But the race often display a sense of ownership to its members and does not let them, holding in its limited space.
Inexorable process of evolution, because the world is continuously updated. This is life. Trying to prevent the evolution leads to the fact that the flow sweeps out of the way everything that hinders his movement. The desire for stability, permanence means an attempt to stop the flow of life, to initiate its crisis. And the generic relationships are based on maintaining the traditions. And while everything is accelerated, the flow of life runs faster, and the fact that yesterday was a progressive, today may be obsolete. And the flow just blows met on the road obstacle. Kind of task is to help a person to be born, grow, time to let go and contribute to further development. But the race often display a sense of ownership to its members and does not let them, holding in its limited space.
We know many examples of how, unable to cope with crises and disasters, leaving the life of individuals and entire nations, unwilling to be reconstructed in accordance with the requirements of modern times. The Soviet Union collapsed because the pace of internal change is not consistent with the rate of processes taking place in the world. For the same reason Saddam Hussein's regime fell in Iraq. For the same reason he passed away, Saparmurat Niyazov, has evolved into a major obstacle to the development of Turkmenistan ... The same thing happened with tribal relations in Russia and a thousand years ago, and in the XX century.
Need to comply with the time to consider other religions and doctrines that do not wish to develop in accordance with the flow of life and try to keep their dogmas. The desire to live in the old, keep reached necessarily lead to a crisis. This is a natural law of evolution. Do not want to grow gradually and constantly - climbs up the ladder of crises. The stronger to resist change, the more violence on the part of the world you podvergneshsya. The destruction of tribal ties to quickly form a collective consciousness of the Soviet people and to lay the foundations for a new communist social formation. But the forced collectivization in the minds and in their life (all dissenters were exiled or shot) was a source of huge problems for society. Welcome can not be brought forcibly. Deprived of ancestral roots, the state and society with great difficulty to defend their independence in World War II and lasted not very long by the standards of history - all for eighty years. Moreover, the cause of degradation in modern society we have is the lack of people of strong root system.