Get rid of obsessive thoughts
Again returned home to check off whether the iron? Constantly humming the melody is boring? It's annoying. But this can easily get rid of. Obsessions poison life. You have a concern. Own behavior does not suit. Madden permanent self: Is the door closed, the site is in the bag a purse? Like and so you know, it's okay, but feels the need to verify this for sure.
Sometimes you are thinking in fear: maybe it's the beginning of an illness? After all, is still that there is absolutely unnecessary thoughts. You are trying to focus on something else, but you can not. In my head all the time spinning the situation that occurred yesterday. Anxious thoughts keep coming back, even though you do not like. Why is this happening? Where are the obsessive thoughts?
You have too many cases
Daily chores, problems at work, future plans, now and then appearing in the head ... Wants to solve everything at once. And often, it even seems that you have an excellent job with all the chores. Finish one and then immediately start another. You live in suspense. Balance the whole time between the desire to quickly end the harassment case and the uncertainty that all will turn out exactly as you planned. The prolonged stress leads to obsessions ... With these disturbing thoughts, which do not give to live in peace, we can handle it.
You all rechecks
You probably do not just have to go back home, thinking that you forgot to turn off the iron or stove. Even though you know that everything should be OK, but still worried. Return and, of course, everything is fine. Would you like to stop these unnecessary self-examination, has entered into a habit. It's not that hard.
First of all, focus on what you are doing, especially in small matters. Try not to execute them automatically, focus on the details. For example, before leaving the house off the iron, but do not leave it on the ironing board, and remove the cabinet. Mentally repeat: "I take the iron in the closet." When driving to work you start to doubt, remember how to open the wardrobe door and put the iron on the shelf. So do in other situations. When turn off the gas under the pot of soup, move it to another burner. When you close the door, look how you turn the key in the keyhole.
Make up a sheet of paper list the things that you forget to regularly hang it in a conspicuous place and check before you move out of the house. Very soon you will remember this list from memory. And anxious thoughts will be much less, as vain to return home with a half-way to work.
You scroll through the events of the day
Obsessions can find a variety of forms, such a stupid song, which is spinning in my head all day. But even more annoying when constantly scrolling situations that have occurred throughout the day ... You are always analyzing their behavior and the behavior of others, pretending to be: "What if ..."
When you're trying to focus on something, but thought the extra distraction, close your eyes, breathe deeply and vigorously shook his head, as if you want someone to speak. If you do not give rest to the situation of the recent past (for example, someone said something nasty) and try to understand what you are experiencing in vain. Rather than nervous, think of something pleasant, that you could do for yourself. Imagine that you are at home on his favorite couch reading a good book. If you're really at home, read at least a couple of pages, it will distract you. The next time you'll be more collected. You need to develop a new habit.
It often happens that disturbing thoughts or simply unnecessary bother in the evening. Tired, you go to bed, dreaming sweet sleep, but before his eyes flickering kaleidoscope of daily events, and instead of a dream come irritation ... In such a situation a few times a deep breath, close your eyes and let these thoughts flow quietly for five minutes. Then imagine how they began to surround the beautiful gilded frame. In the hands of your hand, you big brushstrokes paints the nerve-racking your thoughts and draw something beautiful, like wildflowers.
All the time to clean up
The house is already clean, but you keep wiping the invisible dust. When a child is eating a sandwich, you take a close look, not whether he drops crumbs on the carpet. Of course, you do it mechanically. But try to catch yourself at such moments. Once you understand that during the day making a lot of memorized action in which there is really no need to be aware that you are already on the road to recovery. "
And another thing: as soon as you start to think again about the crumbs on the carpet, try to switch. Walk around the apartment, a little distracted. Important - stop to make uncontrolled actions "on autopilot." Try to take the fact that you're concerned about the box. On the example of crumbs: instead of just removing them, sit down and look closely at him, notice in the form they have developed, what it's like. Oddly enough, it can help break the current in the head with a scheme of action.
It's time to put things in order!
Often obsessive thoughts do not arise from too much problems, but due to an incorrect approach to the solution, due to errors in determining priorities. Sometimes you do not immediately understand what is more important: the repair of the bathroom, getting a driver's license, learning English, paying bills or cleaning the apartment?
Maybe you're just an impatient person and want faster without delay, to alter all things. But the result may be that you do not solve problems one by one, and only think about them doing nothing. Such a contradiction between intentions and achievements leads to stress, and unrealized plans to turn into obsessions.
Solve problems in time
In life, each of us has things that do not want to think because they are upset. You are deliberately trying to drive them out of his mind. However, unresolved problems remind myself turning into obsessive thoughts. If you consistently solve problems, then control disturbing thoughts do not have to - they simply will not occur. And remember: any difficulties cease to be frightening if to treat them with humor!