Get to know the color of your emotions
- Mom, I dreamed a strange dream!
Everything was orange and the ground, and cars and dad!
- Yes, very good
- Excellent baby. Come on now ... porisuem
Did you know that the colors in our lives play a huge role? If you have a vision or dream of any color on it it is necessary to pay attention. Your subconscious is trying to you to say something. Maybe you're on the creative path, and should, leaving all matters to do creative work. Perhaps you too aggressively attuned to the outside world, and you need to cool your emotions, and perhaps soon you will become a great creator of something new ... .. Become. If you did not miss a sign of your subconscious.
Did you know that all your emotions, too, have a different color? You do not ever see this? Think you're in luck! Now you know it.
This theme is closely intertwined with the science that bears the name of Psychophysiology. It is the doctrine that every emotion is reflected in our body. You've heard the expression: all diseases of the head. So, this phrase should be understood literally. Let me give a couple of examples to clarify the situation.
For example, you often get sick throat. Your glands swell constantly, lump in throat is, it is hard to say, and sometimes, just shut up, and does this spasm is not removed. Do not take drugs. Delicious candy will not help you with your ailment. Better think about it, who you are offended? The emotion of resentment lives in the throat and chest. Please note that when you greatly offend, as if his chest is compressed inside. This emotion is colored in yellow . What does this mean? And what if you start to notice very yellow, you should think, somewhere in the depths of resentment lingers. Though not only this information is that beautiful color. About this later.
Come on. You can easily identify the faces of passers-by, who are often immune to the emotions of fear. Very simple. These people are wide open eyes, and eyes are running from side to side, as if probing the surroundings. At the reception, a therapist, kids, a master of his drawings, which show animals with widely rounded eyes. You can see that these babies something scared. But as the track in itself, where the emotion of fear. Her residence, as I said, in the eyes, but still - the chest, abdomen, knees and heels. If you suffer from stomach illness or rheumatism, pay attention to what you're afraid. Fear is painted red . Red, considered to be the color of aggression. However, aggression is translated as: a - step; gres - acceleration. That is why in moments of fear, we want to run away or attack. Aggression accelerates.
Least markedly affected your mental box. He, as well as the kidneys and urinary system, mostly inherited from sorrow. People who suffer cystitis and prostate should pay attention to why they are sad so often. That emotion has a green color . For the expulsion of this feeling, try a very simple method. Find the positive aspects of grief. I you help you. When you are sad, your soul is freed. She seemed to shake off oppression concerns and experiences.
I should add that all the emotions, no matter what, you need a man. Necessary because in addition to destructive purposes, and they all have a positive. As absurd as it may sound, but experiencing, for example, fear that you are very active. That activity that you do not have enough (otherwise you would not have happened a situation where you feel fear).
So if you feel that something you miss, do not force yourself to "wait by the sea weather." Take care of themselves. In practice, this will look like. You need to take a comfortable position (such as lying in a quiet place). You can include music, although you can do without it. Close the eyes and for a time to stay in weightlessness. Throw away all thoughts of anything not think. See, that sends you a subconscious through your eyes. What is your sick body? Heart? Kidneys? Eyes? What does this mean? This means that you often get in this place of negativity of the emotions. And this is the place to be cleared. Visually, skip through this part of the body color, carrying in itself the effect that, in your opinion, you need to. For example, you're too slow and you have a bad heart. Skip through it red. He will raise your tone. Each color carries its information. Choose what you need at this stage of life:
Blue - intellect, knowledge;
Purple - spirituality;
Red - active;
White - adoption;
Black - rejection;
Orange - creativity;
Yellow - Hope;
Green - health, our personal love;
Blue - the adoption of the color of the world;
Violet-blue (indigo) - the harmonious combination of all aspects.
Passing through a color you want, you supplement their emotional sphere missing element, and it works for you.
Now I want to say something to you about medicine. Returning to the beginning, I recall: all diseases of the head. Surviving always the same emotion, you expose the negative effects of a specific charge of this emotion body. So when you start something to hurt (especially if it's already chronically), do not transfer the entire responsibility on the hapless doctors. I'll give you an example, and conclusions do for themselves.
Imagine that you have contracted foot. In this case, you often fear for their careers. You somehow prikovylyali to the surgeon, he ordered a ointment, warmth, and a few drops before bedtime. A month later (the position at work has not changed), the leg still hurts (per month, she razbolitsya even more) and you start to berate this surgeon for his incompetence and carelessness: "They're just trying to pharmacies, I smear the entire month of leg and no results! Diploma bought something must have! Gad! ".
It is a pity that the medical institutions do not teach future physicians, that treatment should start with the head, even if the patient Hemorrhoids. I do not remember who said genius phrase, but it is very correct: "We are three. I, you and your illness. If you stand in my way, we will win. If the it - I am powerless."
Or maybe you like to hurt? Are you often in the clinic? See what it turns grannies and dedulek, and all three volumes of medical records. What do they say? On his sores naturally! And they are very proud! Paradox? None. One grandmother says: "I have a dislocated shoulder of the third degree, and the curvature of the brain at the fifteenth gyrus. Second to her: "This is it! Now I have, coccyx staggered, and the heel starts to slide to the kneecap" .... Daaaaa, second grandmother clearly won. But it is today. First, after a wait for their turn in and out of the cabinet, with pride in his voice said: "Imagine, I have apendetsitovaya hernia!" Everything. This grandmother leader today. And this struggle - who has terrible disease - a last time. What else to say? Unlike all the others as not a disease? Now, if the illness was shameful, then we probably would not hurt.
So, remember, first of all need to treat the head. And all that comes from it - in itself heal.