Getting rid of obstacles to their happiness
Most often shy away from success, because for her there are obstacles. This may be our own sins, and there may be other people's grief and misfortune. To its cutoff STI luck, you first need to get rid of all that hinders us to live normally.
Conspiracies of evil men
1.Chuzhaya envy, like anger, hatred, or just irritation, pushes luck. This ritual will help get rid of someone else's ill will, which spoils life. If you need to meet with those whom you consider your enemies, take a new handkerchief and saying to him:
Nodes knitting, locks put against the sorcerer and koldunitsy, Sage and vedunitsy, porchuna and porchunitsy, knotted, his eyes close, eyelids would you not see the white light on me, servant of God (name), do not look, do not spoil, do not urochit. Amen.
Then wipe it with a handkerchief face and hands - and you can safely go to a meeting.
2.Etot plot calls for assistance to the patron saint. In the church before the morning service you need to buy a candle and saying to her:
St. George the Victorious, Furious won you the serpent, and beat the foe of my heart, God's servant (name).
Then we need to place a candle before the icon of Saint George, cross your fingers and give the nine prostrations.
3.Pri help you get rid of this conspiracy against all enemies at once. To do this in the country for three consecutive days weeding your garden, adding the torn grass crosses. On the fourth day, you burn the weeds and speak to smoke:
'm Burning grass, worms izvozhu. No worm, no enemy. Amen.
4.If you have overcome the evil gossip, it is necessary to gather herbs and leave it to dry, speaking about her:
Sokhna, grass, withering, hostile language, Sokhna, bad word, Sokhna, an evil spirit. Amen.
When the grass is dry, it should throw gossips, then they forget about you - will overcome their worries.
Conspiracy to divert disaster
There are occasions when you simply need to strengthen their position, detach quickly and trouble, because we know that the trouble and dancing next to go - so if trouble came, then Down and Out is not inevitable.
Buy a candle in the church at midnight to see the new moon on it:
Light dawns on the month, God's garment shroud, the holy Cross be marked, the cross power by evil spirits distillation. Amen.
Must speak three times. Morning oplavok candles burying at the pedestrian crossing.
Conspiracy of fear and uncertainty in the prosperous outcome of the case
In any case would not be luck if you're afraid of failure, not sure of a favorable outcome. Maybe there is no dirty trick and pouncing like, but you are my fears she gives the green light. Maria Semyonovna always says: "Who is afraid of something, then the same will happen." Therefore, in order to tame tit luck, the first thing - get rid of their fears.
We must take the land by a handful out of three trees: oak, aspen and maple. In prepared rag to bring home. Then sit down face to the east, and in front of him to put the land in a rag (rag to untie). Get in your right hand a lighted candle. Read the prayer of Jesus Christ:
Jesus Christ, Son of God, the One Deity Trisagion, Mrs. Bogoroditelnitse Virgin, the Holy See, the Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim of principles, you bow, you kayusya. In the hands of Thy prevelikago mercy, O my God, entrusting the soul and my body, feelings and words of my tips and thoughts of my business and my whole body and my soul motion. Log in and outcome of my faith and my residence, and for the demise of my life, day and hour of my breath, my Repose, repose of the soul and my body. And thou, O Premiloserde God, the sins of the world nepreodolevaemaya Grace, mildly, Lord, less, than all men greshneyshago, receive in the hands of the protect and deliver thy of all evil, cleanse much set my transgressions, podazhd correct the evil, and my accursed and Life of from future sin fierce always fascinated me, so no chemzhe when provoked Thy kindness, imzhe covered sickness from my demons, and evil passions of men. Enemy of the visible and invisible, rebuke, guided me through the rescued, bringing to thee, my refuge and desires of my edge. Amen.
Then read the "Our Father" prayer, Holy Cross, then light a candle that you hold in your hand.
Next say:
Fear of the earth be not dismayed, but the Lord of the living, not afraid of anything. Fear, fright, go away to a meadow, a moss, a swamp, the curves for aspen. I believe in God, I go to church, the Church of God Mother of God can not divisible servant of God (name) from fear saves. Amen. Amen. Amen.
After reading or talk to anyone, and stir the earth with his right hand clockwise, back to the same trees, leaving behind a handful of each tree. Departing from the tree, the cross over him, and then himself, say:
On-site stop, me, God's servant (name), take it easy.
Return home in silence, without looking back. Do not talk to anyone until they cross the threshold of the house.
Conspiracy to get rid
inherited from the misfortunes
Before you catch your own luck, you need to get rid of someone else's failure. If you were named in memory of a deceased person, then you are living not only their own lives, but also part of it. Therefore, his failures and misfortunes are yours, and for their happiness space no longer remains.
In this case you need a full moon, at dawn, the women - on Wednesday, and men - the men's day (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday), pour into a bowl of water with the words:
Vodicka is clean, your power holy, purify me, wind with me all the drifts, drifts, all the stumbling, obtyki, all the troubles and misfortunes. Amen.
Thereafter washed with water and wiping nagovorennoy linen or cotton towel without a pattern (the towel should be completely new).
About two o'clock the same day, go to the cemetery, where hang the towel on the branch of a tree, saying:
I do not hang up the towel, I toryu road from earth to heaven. All the dead go to heaven, to God be the answer to keep. So you're the servant of God (to name one after which you have named), the sky will go away before God will stand, the answer der reap. Take all of his with him, but I am servant of God (name), leave to my fate. Amen. Amen. Amen.
No one in any case do not tell that you do! After the ceremony in three days (including this one) can not give anything to anyone from his house.
Prayer Charm for reconciliation
This prayer, guardian need to read before you lure luck: to get lucky, you must come to terms with everyone, and especially with yourself. Remember: the anger and hostility - the first obstacles to your luck!
Began to speak on the new moon at midnight on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. You will need seven church candles, a glass of cold water from the tap, large mirror. Front of the mirror putting a glass of water around in a circle Set your candles and say, looking in the mirror:
Remember, O Lord, King David and all his meekness. About prehvalny prechudny and prophesy God of David! Hear us, sinful and obscene, in this hour coming before thy holy icon and assiduously resorting to your request. Pray for us Chelovekolyubtsa God, but will give us a spirit of repentance and contrition of greseh our omnipotent and His grace so help us ostaviti path of wickedness, prispevati same in every Blazy, strengthen us in our struggle with the passionate and lusty by our yea stabbed in the heart of our spirit of humility and meekness, the spirit of brotherly love and gentleness, patience and a spirit of chastity, a spirit of jealousy for the glory of God and the salvation of their neighbors. Amen.
Say it should be three times, each time spitting three times over your left shoulder.
Charms for good luck in deeds
1.Chtoby lure luck.
Need to hang on the wall a large mirror (or just rest my). In addition to a mirror, you need a church candle. Wait until the full moon falls on Sunday. In the night from Saturday to Sunday, from noon until three in the morning, go to the mirror, light a candle, keep it to yourself and say three times:
Deliver me, O Lord, from seduction and bogomerzkogo zlohitrogo Antichrist blizgryaduschego and Cover me from the snares of his hidden in the desert of Thy salvation. Give me, O Lord, the strength and courage tverdago confession of thy name holy, but will not give up for fear of the devil, but I will not deny thee, my Saviour and Redeemer, by Thy Holy Church. But grant me, Lord, day and night and cry tears for my sins and have mercy on me, O Lord, in thy hour of Judgement. Amen.
Then extinguish the candle, her oplavok wrap in a white cotton rag, put themselves under the mattress, looking to parcel out is still here.
2.Chtoby helped the patron saint.
This plot helps to find happiness in your path. Slander, before going to church, before the threshold of the church and on the doorstep on the way back from church. Before leaving the house, standing on the threshold, say:
Ugodniche of God (name). Remember in your prayers favorable to Christ by God, yes He preserve us from temptations, illnesses and sorrows, He may grant us humility, love, reason and gentleness, and may He vouchsafe us unworthy of his kingdom. Amen.
The same thing you will need to speak in front of the church and on the doorstep when he returns. The church put 12 candles for the icons of the 12 disciples of Jesus Christ. How to get out of the church, on the way home with no one to talk and do not look back. Once you are back, starts your post, which lasts for forty days (do not eat meat, dairy products, eggs, and drink alcohol, have sex).
3.Zagovor appeal to the master of the water.
At full moon, at midnight, take a new handkerchief and ties knots at the ends, saying:
Nodes knitting, strengthened protection, cross claim, cast was removed.
Then that handkerchief soak in cold water in the sink, turning to the master of the water:
Master of the water, protected me from any trouble, give me strength and good health, and unearthly beauty, and love of folk skuyu. Amen.
After that, squeeze out a handkerchief, blow on his breast, and always carry with you. Ritual acts before the first wash, then we need to repeat.
4.Zagovor appeal to the sun.
This plot can help in any important matter for you: and pass an exam and get to work, and talks to, and the heavy personal explanation made easy and successful.
Before the important thing to get up in the morning dawn. Wash the face three times with cold water from the tap, while three turned to the Master of Water:
Master of the water, wash away with me all night fears and sins, give me a new day a new beauty. Amen.
Then we need to warm their hands on the sun. Here's how: you go outside or open a window and turn the palms to the rising sun { if overcast dawn and the sun is not visible, it is better to postpone his case. If it is not postponed, then the conspiracy before the ordinary words say: "Clouds and clouds parted, the run-up, so my words have passed through you." } . Standing so, looking to the east (sunrise), and says:
I get up, servant of God (name), to bless, I'll go, crossing himself, go out in the open field on a high hill, look toward the east, the eastern side of the sun comes up clear, people are all wonderful. And as the sun grass grows, flowers bloom, the fruits ripen, the people are happy, so would I, the servant of God, blossoms, ripening, but all the people had on me as the sun bright, happy. Be thou, my plot, harder than rock, stronger than iron, henceforth and forever. Amen.
Then you need completely washable, but before leaving the house three times, baptized on the eastern side.
5.Zagovor to the site of luck.
Take a silk thread and tie a knot it, saying three times:
As an end with the end of convergent, so would I deal came together.
Then, leaving the case, put a thread on the threshold, steps over it, and again sentenced the same thing. Threaded leave on your doorstep.