Ghosts of the past
One morning, hurrying to work, quite by accident, I was faced with a ghost from the past. Namely, the guy with whom I once had an affair. The novel was bright, and the parting is painful. We smiled at each other nicely, and without saying a word, went in different directions. I confess that I was carrying the image of the ghost of a whole day or even overnight. And that's only because he met his gaze. And no matter how much I thought about it and remembered that if we talked? And I thought, how often the ghosts of the past ted our present? After one such view in the past, and today run the wrong place previously scheduled. Could it be that the stronger the feeling, the brighter the ghost? Feelings for this guy really stayed hiding somewhere, deep. They are not quickly pass. A pass at all?
Sometimes, any meeting with the past can bring not only one thought, but good. Met again, people understand that it is their fate, and after a long time trying to renew old relationships with new notes. And it turns out. People marry, they give birth to babies. They live a happy life. And you can not even think that once they differed, and perhaps every one of them thought it was forever.
And how we feel when we meet his former passion with his new half? And yet, and if it is not worse than us, but better? Even if we have long forgotten this guy, we were a little box. After all, when he was with me, he did not look so good. Yes, and I found a better replacement. And can this be nice?
Sometimes, our ghosts of the past come to us in dreams. What they have information? Psychologists have a lot of ranting on the topic again, but I can say that this information can decipher. Who believes in "dreams in the arm" as soon as the morning will interpret what he saw, and who doubt the prophetic dreams, lost in thought. Reducing the theory of dreams, I can assume that the image of a former companion, who dreamed of us, this cluster of traits and qualities of character, which we now pay attention. Perhaps unconsciously. And it turns out that if the dream was the scenario renewal of love, or a violent passion, it does not mean that we want to or should happen. Just in our lives right now is something that reflects just such feelings.

Who of us did not want to, so if and to stand before the eyes of his ghost, then for sure in the elegant manner? But the question is, why would we? After all, we've been separated. And feeling like a cold. And some of them and was not at all. Just gravity and all. Why is it so sometimes you want to show everyone his "ex", that without me you better? In order that would prove his independence? Prove them all. All masculine, that I am strong! And without you live.
But sometimes that just having met and chatted for a while, we have no feelings, but the ghost is really following us closely. Not a real person, namely his shadow. Of course, we invented it themselves and carry themselves, but why is this happening? Maybe somewhere in his heart, lay down a word that we are not told, or business that did not. And now our conscience does not allow us to live peacefully. And sometimes it seems that it develops into paranoia. Walking along the street, you begin to seek out his eyes in the crowd, trying to drive down the street, where it is possible to meet him ... The list is endless. And the greater is the internal struggle, the stronger and clearer becomes our ghost. What to do in such situations? And do what the soul desires. Meet. Clearly, specifically, not looking for any possible clashes. A pick up and call. If no phone, to come home. This is a desperate act, not everyone on it will be resolved. But, having done this all my life promuchaeshsya wondering what would happen if .... And the ghost will not go away. Will be worn for years behind us, and remind yourself.
And yet I am inclined to think that they are all for something needed. Such encounters, totally random. Nothing happens for a reason. What kind of information that ghosts of the past still carrying. But whether we understand it? Is able to decipher? And call in this case it is useless. He himself can not understand why we met. Perhaps this is a warning about another, and a similar error? And maybe a chance to see the last time in the past, that would surely take the future? Can only understand the one to whom the ghost had come. Otherwise it will look like "guesswork". Sometimes it comes true, but clarity does not make any.
Still, you need to analyze, which was connected with that person, and what lessons we can now take from these relationships. What was painful separation, the more valuable lessons and gave us this "accidental" meeting. If the heart is said that the ghost to do a real person, you can try. If you suffer only our pride, we can assume - without loss. But if your heart will suffer all his life, without knowing the truth .... better than pride. She recovered.
And it would be nice to all the ghosts of the past disappeared into nowhere. We would not be afraid of those meetings. And if you live close to each other, then - possible gossip and idle talk. Parted and everything. The man is gone and there was only one picture, which we keep given them a red rose, as he tenderly kissed us on the cheek.
Or would it be sad? I do not know. You do know best what your ghosts. Friendly or hostile. One thing is - they do exist. And when we look at popular science film about ghosts, we all know who to come to those ghosts. In themselves such paranormal phenomena is full album. And for us is safely possible to rent a scientific movie.
So what to do with them? They can not erase, but do not want to forget. It remains only to live near them. And if they do not need, they will not come. And will quietly gather dust on the album. And to open it in ten hundred years, we see that a red rose and kissing our cheek, and perhaps vzgrustnem, and possibly some fun: "good all the same that you have for me, my ghosts of the past."