Gifts, flowers and compliments
Here's what they think about it (and write on the Internet), women (hopefully not all): "If the French man thinks that makes a woman compliments as natural as brushing your teeth, and even their legal vixen says amenity at least three times on the day (beautiful face, charming dress, a delicious lunch), and only lover - without measure and without an account, then Russian men have diametrically opposing views. They believe that the easiest and most convenient way to rise in the eyes of women and at the same time keep her beside him - a humiliation. And do not make a career, earn money and raise their cultural level. Even shave every day is not necessarily more so - to clean the teeth and shoes. Regularly enough to remind her friend that she was not a girl (even if it is not yet thirty) that her legs were short and the long tongue (on the contrary, it would be nicer, so much to her shabby). What's cooking, it's disgusting, home run, and sleep with her because as good as a dead horse. "
Wow, huh? That's really put so attached ... By the way, where, interestingly, this knowledge habits of French men? Or is it the usual desire of women wishful thinking? Likely to be ... If French men on French films and jokes, then ... Who knows, maybe a Russian peasant French girl Compliments most would say (if we judge by the Frenchwoman Sophie Marceau). This is a joke, do not be offended. Just always a bit annoying such categorical statements.
Well ... And if indeed, the language is long and short legs? How to be here? Compliment the long tongue or short legs? Oh, and can lie? Argue that the opposite is true? We are unable to. In these things we are very scrupulous. And if you do not see anything extraordinary, nothing good to say and we can not. This is the first. That is, to hear a compliment, we are profoundly convinced, you deserve it. We somehow do not understand what amenities can talk for no reason. After all, a compliment - are words. And the words - is information. We can not send the wrong information!
But the main reason that we rarely talk compliments, that simply do not believe this is something important and necessary. Similarly, the flowers ... It's irrational! Why expend energy, time and money? This rationalism and makes us behave in pig. If I say something, only to tell you what you should, in my opinion, to know. But I will never believe that you do not know you are a new hairstyle or not. I is and it never comes. And if you still is not sure - ask. I'll answer honestly. If I decided to make you a gift, it should be something useful and practical, and not that a beautiful teddy bear. And flowers? .. It is generally outside of reality!
Please understand it correctly - have not overcome their aversion to compliments, flowers and gifts. We have to treat it properly. And money is not sorry, just imagine. Have to overcome themselves to the memory does not escape thinking about those compliments. Human memory after a tricky thing. And one of its main features is that all unnecessary or uninteresting erased out of it pretty quickly. We understand that the signs of attention to you is very important. But here they are for us ... how shall I say? .. Not very significant, to say the least. Hence, we forget about what you need to make this unfortunate compliment. Again, to make a reservation - not a woman is not important to us, namely, all these courtesies.
And another reason is, again, in our rationality. Gifts, flowers and compliments for us a sort of currency which has circulated in the relationship between a man and a woman. It is known that initially the average man on all of these amenities is not stingy. It is understandable that you would like more, but we, too, are not fools - we count on how many you have "earned". We, as a rule, immediately, to the eye determines how much to spend on this woman, to achieve his goal. If a girl is so-so appearance, belongs to another range (lower level, of course), not very assured - flowers, gifts and compliments will be quite a bit. If the opposite - pretty, smart and generally knows his worth, then have to invest on a grand scale.
The dimensions of our gratitude not depend on the thickness of our wallet. That is dependent, of course, but not as strongly as it might seem at first glance. Far more important than the degree of our interest and, cynically speaking, the quality of women. Not even too rich man could easily accumulate the required amount to reduce any beauty in a chic restaurant. At the same time, the rich man would almost certainly try to save on some goose-ugly. However, it is in fact quite logical, right? Why spend extra money if you can get something cheaply? ..
Why repeat a hundred times?
The situation is similar with the compliments. I totally agree with the statements a woman that you read at the beginning of the cupola. We do not aspire to rise, humiliating another person. At least the normal full-fledged men do not do. And the compliments we do not save these considerations. Times been said all that a hundred times to repeat? Said that beautiful? Said. Said that great? Said. Every day it's to say? What's the point? That's when the beauty fades a bit, then I say that is not too pretty ...
And then, as I wrote, we are generally not very good. Something technical to discuss - please. But the prettiness of it all kinds of poetry - it is more difficult. And feel like a fool every day repeating like a parrot: "You look great" - also somehow did not feel like it. But that is how we perceive ourselves and, if nothing to say, but actually necessary. We have to grind all sorts of nonsense, for which then blush. Maybe it's just what you need and, but we have some of it is not easier! All the same, like a fool ... more than confident - those men who can least a couple of words together, compliments weighed more. Even legitimate wives. A mere mortals after all ... We want to always and everywhere be the best. The smartest, most powerful ... And what is the most intelligent, when are carrying God knows what? It's better to look wise in silence - do not make a mistake. Thus, our stubborn silence - no more than a desire to preserve their own self-esteem. "It's better in any way, instead of somehow."
Yes, and you yourself, I must say, these doubts and our pain worse. Take compliments too need to be able to. And then the little man is sweating on the Herculean mental effort, blush, brow wrinkled, and finally gives out: "Today you look very well" - and he answered: "Well, usually I look bad?" Knockout. Figushki it again you say something. Or: "You are very beautiful" .- "I know." Also the option wherever it! Well, you know and you know ... anything more I will not say if this clever. And so on. So, if he did give birth to something unintelligible, do not frighten him. Will have problems with speech for a lifetime. And so it is not Cicero ... And if you think that those answers say about your uncommon wit and originality, you are very mistaken. Such a man of humor will never appreciate. We do not see anything in this funny and fun, sorry.
Such are the cases. As you can see, then that's our vile behavior of the blame for two things - our rationality and our complexes. And certainly not ourselves. And is not our vile nature. I do not know, maybe the French are different. All of them are born of Petrarch and pay once bought a table for life. I do not know ... But, most likely, it's all empty stories. Men - they are in Africa men. For them, remain a mystery all these tremendous gifts, flowers and compliments .... and other romance.