Gild a pen fortune tellers
Every once in his life faced with a situation when it is seemingly hopeless situation. No personal experience, nor the advice of friends and relatives do not help razrulit this situation. Then he comes to the conclusion that the life you drove in a remote corner. Frantically begin to think logically, but unfortunately, logic does not give answers to all the accumulated problems. As a result, we understand that each new false step would alienate us from the possibility to somehow change the situation in a positive way.

At such times, we just need someone who will tell you how to proceed, in which direction and how not to hurt yourself even more. Who is this man? Well, of course, it's a fortune teller, psychic, clairvoyant - those people who can look ahead and tell us what lies ahead. Desire in a difficult situation to apply to the fortune teller probably justified, often people have tried everything, and recourse to sorcerers and witches are often the last resort, but is it true that decision?
The ratio of the church to divination quite categorically - God works in mysterious ways, so any test that sends us the fate should be worthy of and seek ways of solving problems, addressing the faith ... so people of faith is exactly what comes - when life begins streak, they consider only right decision to trust in God. If you are a faithful person, that in difficult times should do as the church tells him to. If you believe that you can only help a person with magical powers then you have meaning to finish reading this story through and read the opinions of those who turned to fortune tellers and sorcerers.
Dangerous than guessing
I can tell even from our own experience and expertise of their friends that the views of a variety of fortune-tellers, some believe that they have really helped, and after visiting the fortune teller or psychic human life has changed for the better. Others, unfortunately, with fortune tellers associated with the most unpleasant memories, because not only is this "witch" does not work, so still and for a long time, pulled out of the man the money and put it into an even greater depression. In addition to psychological problems in his life thanks to her, there were problems of a material nature.
Of course, no one denies that there are people gifted by God, who can really predict events and give a person valuable tips to help you avoid trouble, but, firstly, these people unity and, secondly, it is very difficult to objectively evaluate the work of wonder . You must agree that any fortune teller does not give definitive answers, usually on a session to hear something like: if you do that's so, then here it is, but have done so, it will come true this. Ie, when the prediction coming true is not quite as predicted by the fortune-teller to hear that this is our fault, we had to do just that as she advised, just to comply with its conditions, etc.
Therefore, the judge prophetess like as not correct, because the same warning! On the other hand as it was possible to carry out its terms, if at the outset it was clear that it is not feasible ... sound familiar, right? Each for himself decides to use the services of psychics, clairvoyants and fortune-tellers or not, but I think after reading, you will approach this issue very carefully and responsibly!
Why should not trust their own destiny fortune-teller?
There is a wonderful book Vadim Zealand - "Transerfing reality", which is described in detail what is happening at a time when you ask the fortune-teller to look into your future, I can assure you that nothing good for you, at this moment is not happening! According Zealand in the surrounding area is full of different paths, we can move to any one, but it has lots of other! Depends only on us, we move on to the next track or not, the path is always open, the only thing that can slow us down - is ourselves! Well, of course, to move to a better way, each of us must fulfill certain conditions.
Fortune-tellers and soothsayers have the ability to see some of the tracks on which we could move, thus changing their lives. If a fortune teller really gifted she sees most of these roads. Therefore, when the fortuneteller sees only one track and gives you this option, as foreordained over - it's not because the other options it simply is not available. The most interesting thing that all her attempts to influence your fate - are unsuccessful. For example, when Wanda saw death and tried to warn the person it is not possible, because in the end people did so, as it saw fit, and met the inevitable. Which of all of this conclusion? And the conclusion is simple, even a man with supernatural powers can not change the fate of another person. Then why do some of the predictions come true?
Vadim Zealand believes that when a person comes to a fortune-teller, "battered", stung, often broken - it is as open to the flow of information, which is going to take from the fortune teller, as it is, in his opinion, the last chance. And he takes for granted all that he will be told - without any resistance, and analysis. Simply put, the fortuneteller force of his will and strong energy gives him a set to get up on that track, where she saw him. But the trouble is that there might be hundreds of other roads, which she did not open!
Zeland warned - do not look in the "Book of Destiny" without consequences and pay very high! You'll have to take the future that you will open and live it according to this scheme! You are totally dependent on the person who you guessing! And what a fortune teller for life grim man with a heavy energy, and sees always something frightening and bleak - get its verdict, and live with him! It is not rosy prospects, you will agree ...
Therefore, the conclusion from the foregoing one - should not give their fate in the hands of a stranger. And even more so to walk on the fortune-tellers for the company with her friends, or simply because bursting with curiosity! Listen to your intuition, analyze their dreams, often the fate sends us signs that could warn or vice versa to allow an existing situation. Answers to our questions in our minds and in our hearts, no one has the right to decide for us how we should live and behave. No need to search for answers in the future, live the present. Thanks to a well-developed intuition can avoid many mistakes, and the ability to see signs of fate will help you choose the right path!