Gipersotsialnye people
Gipersotsialnye people - a people-oriented public interest, the interests of a particular person, they do not make any penny. This type of people - a kind of vestiges of the communist past. But if in Soviet times, many public figures to pretend that the public interest them more your own, then come down to our times only true "enthusiasts" of the business that his stomach did not feel sorry for the common good. These people firmly believe in the ideals, if not humanity as a whole, their society (circle group). These people know how to skillfully influence on the psyche of others and infect them ideas for good cause. They tend to be very eloquent and charming, able to lead the masses. They are undeniably attractive in communication.
But the danger of contact with public figures is that they have the ability to "zombie" people to achieve their goals. The most important of their argument - a public good. Agree, it is difficult to go against the ideals of society, to show their selfish nature. "Fighting" for a cause you can offer a variety of ways: something to repair for the benefit and prosperity of theatrical circle, make a membership fee for the purchase of a new batch of books to the library for the blind, etc. Of course, in such activities there is nothing wrong if you do it on their own, and not under duress of your "ideological leader."
Gipersotsialnye people are ready for everything just to their offspring prosper, they often do not spare the ordinary, ordinary assistants. They may require you to unbelievable, record-breaking achievements: for example, in a very short period of time to complete the renovation of the building. If you volunteered in any circle of amateur and fell under the influence of such an authoritative person, then you have to remember that not necessarily go into public affairs head, forgetting its main kind of activity. If your "public" hobby gives you pleasure - to work for the benefit of your business in moderation, do not put a record, despite all the demands of your ideological mastermind.
People with gipersotsialnym behavior is usually very painful experience for the public cause, they require that their "allies" of new records, shout loudly, inspiring you to new heights. In dealing with such people should not be afraid to be a little more selfish than you really are: do not be afraid to say that you're tired, you have your main business and duties - home, family and work. Dont worry if your refusal to help would be regarded as a dereliction of responsibility, weakness, and individualism. Remember that your hobby - it's just a leisure activity, rather than the main occupation. Do not be dependent on your spiritual guru, be independent and help your overall business, but not carried them to the loss of pulse.