Give up the intimate connection on the first date
The ability to manipulate others - is an art that requires not only knowledge and skills, but also very rigid self-control. Sometimes we have to deal with their own selves, to restrain their desire to continue to achieve the desired result. It's about trouble-free way of manipulation, which women use in the first assignation. The purpose of this manipulation is evident - the desire to make love to her partner's more powerful and strong feeling of love.
First date - a real game between a man and a woman, comparable to the kind of fight, when one (usually male), seeks by all means to win his beloved, to meet their physiological needs, while the second (usually the woman) wants to turn this meeting at the beginning of a long and much stronger bond between them. The woman, experienced and wise, preparing for the date, plan every detail, anticipating the very different outcomes of this "fight". The woman said that the meeting was successful in that case it led to the proposal to meet again, but not over the standard men's excuse: "I'll call." In order to make such an offer from the men, women use manipulation, which became the Women's commandment: Renounce sexual relations on a first date.

In most cases, this technique works successfully. Rejecting the intimate connection, you deal a blow to his pride in his pride. You make him think about why it happened, what it is connected. Even if he did not plan to continue the relationship with you, its disadvantaged pride will not let him rest, he still wants to bring the "initiated" to the end and thus will give you time to strengthen your relationship and make them stable. Your refusal to be prepared in advance, if possible, even rehearsed, so you do not seem too mincing, or completely indifferent. A better option might be the wording such as: "Honey, I is not easy to give up so desired thoughts with you to night, but I want to test their feelings and get to know you better."
That is, your waiver must be justified by the fact that you're hoping to continue the relationship, what are you waiting unconditional extension of your meetings. If you manage to convince the partner that you are not frivolous, that you - standing party, then maybe your relationship has a great destiny. Sooner or later, you still have to give up, and there is no guarantee that men are not lost interest in you after this, but this again will depend on you: Will you be able to interest the man only as a potential sexual partner or whether it is interested in you as personality.