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Give without sparing

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Give without sparing

My precious, if for all time spent on this planet, you learn only one law, which states: "Believe in yourself, trust yourself, do good and love!" - This will be the most important lesson in your life. I constantly ask me if I doubt whether I believed in myself what I write. To this I usually reply that simply describing their lives and share their own experiences, which is constantly growing. And life itself all the time proves me right track. And can not be otherwise! How often do I meet talented, capable people who, because of the incredible shyness did not receive a decent remuneration for their work. The path is so popular now a variety of "bitch" is so contrary to a whole new consciousness and positive thinking, which, of course, is completely unacceptable to us, is not it? Unshakable belief in themselves do not imply the cold-blooded "going over the heads" of their kind.

Yes, we are all stars and we respect the sacred right of other people's stars to shine and sparkle with all the colors that make up an infinite palette of the divine mysteries of life. Moreover, the knowledge that we have presented the greatest gift of life, presented with so many treasures we have accumulated so many happy moments, makes us happy and able to give love and joy. Give, give, give love to people! Even if this particular person did not answer the same - it does not matter. You made the most important thing - you have sent the momentum of love in the universe. But she always returns message multiplied. Now I understand very well the words of the Sermon: "... bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you" (Luke 6: 28). If someone tries to hurt you, tell him: "May you be well, let you be good!" Why? "
Yes, because at the moment when a person enters the unseemly, he punishes himself. We know the power of words and intentions: in the universe are not ignored, no thought, no feeling. Sooner or later they are manifested in human life. Let your life germinate only shoots good your good crop! Think of all the cases where people have helped you. Surely this is not it? Can not be! If you can not remember, think about your parents, who supported every step you take when you were children, and worried about you when you grew up. And how many of boundless, unconditional love pets give to us! That's where the pure tenderness. Love has always been with you, my dear, it's time to share it with the world. Then your journey will always be bright and clean.

☼ Be kind is very nice, and do good - a true delight.

I know a St. Petersburg businessman who every month, regardless of revenue, sent to an orphanage a small truck with fruit, inviting kids to a puppet theater, and occasionally buys for the kids computers and other equipment. And what happened? He is thriving. His affairs are great. He knows that he must share the joy. At the same time I've seen in casinos other businessmen are left untold sums to "buck up".

In the first case, a person experiences pure joy at the sight of happy children's eyes and his money work for good, while the second - and the joy of something no one headache. Give not spare ! I read somewhere that a man of light leaves a trail of light. At the physical level this is manifested in the fact that we do not throw away a plastic bottle out the car window, we will not, furtively looking around, shoving hotel towel in your suitcase and leave after a picnic on the nature of the mini-dump. Yes, we are, we really respect ourselves and take very seriously their high purpose. And may not be in such a short stay on earth to change the lives of all mankind, but our conscience is clean and the memory of the heart will warm moments of love for people. We believe that by changing ourselves, we can still help the planet in its evolution and development. No need to seek care at once of all mankind, but to go to the grocery store for an elderly neighbor, or invite the person crossing the threshold of our house, a cup of tea with a sandwich is completely within our power. In the aircraft of foreign airlines in toilets hangs a sign: "Be attentive to the next passenger and clean, please sink with paper towel!" What's the most pleasant - rub! It's quite easy to do.

Te Deum

Why am I writing so much about the ability to give? Because it is one of the cornerstones on which the shining hall of our new life. Giving precedes receiving. Te Deum for what you do not receive it precedes it. You do not need to worry especially about the results. Just do the maximum that can, and even a little bit more, and thanks for existing and future benefits, and then you will dance the dance of the universe itself. Then each bird will herald your luck, each butterfly will bring you a smile of angelic light, and the rustle of leaves in the wind you can hear the voice of an invisible but powerful world. World with which we learn to talk and cooperate. His name is - Life.

☼ The most simple and accessible language - it's Te Deum.

☼ thanks for the simple pleasures of life, and they will blossom.

☼ thanks for daily food, sitting at the table, and then the food will bring you a favor.

☼ Thank for health, and it will be strengthened.

☼ Thank for the disease, because this way our bodies tell us something important.

☼ thanks for the miracle of rain and the rainbow, and then beauty will always accompany you.

☼ Thank for your love, and love be with you.

☼ thanks for abundance, and you'll be amazed discovered the wonderful opportunities and wealth of the universe.

When we begin to accept with gratitude all that we see, it seems that the eye drops some scales, and colors of the world playing for us brighter and the music of the spheres magically sounds in our ears. Sci-Fi? No, my precious, the Reality! I know these people, according to the law of similarity, they are attracted to me in ever-increasing numbers, and we are delighted to share their priceless finds the boundless beauty of the world and the universe.

I love to vacation in Turkey. My friends and I bless every minute of rest. Desperately flirting with birds. Revel in the fresh air. Blazhenstvuem, looking at the green grass, mows diligent Turkish workers, which we also bless. Thrown into the sea in an ecstasy of love. Reads aloud your affirmations, walking along the shore, and welcome smiles all the staff of hotels. And what happened? We know everything from the simple girl-maid to the manager, and all say that from us comes shining with joy that we bring good luck and good spirits. At the same time in our hotel I saw holidaymakers who constantly complained were dissatisfied with something, and seemed totally did not notice the green grass, gorgeous flowers and fragrant air. Still happy to be better!

And the thing thanks! Do not miss this opportunity to thank the Higher Power for what you have. This is a great skill, perfecting that we really transform your life into a fairy tale. And not only for ourselves but for others.

Your star path to success

◊ I am trying to make my every step brought me and others joy. I make sure that I leave behind. I choose to leave behind only a trail of light. I know that every word I have said will remain in the annals of the universe, so all my words are friendly. I try to invent ever new ways to please your friends and even strangers to me. Many ways, and they are all available to me.

◊ I am constantly and continually lift up praise to the divine force behind everything that surrounds me. Every moment I take it as a gift, and constantly, constantly thank you. I understand that thanks - it is a universal language that can talk to the creative power of the universe. I thank the people, I thank the event, I thank my life. I have a lot and thank you for everything and, therefore, will have even more.
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