Grandma's advice
All remember from childhood tales told by grandmothers, taste and aroma of just-baked pastries, soft and wrinkled hands, comforting us. How often grandmother greeted us from school and put to bed, singing lullabies. In my childhood it was my grandmother sang all our desires and whims. Now we have become adults themselves bringing up their children. The only thing that can help us grandmother - is to take the already great-grandchildren on the weekends and holidays. On this mission of our grandmothers, in most cases ends. But once, just recently, a grandmother, unlike their parents accompanied the man's whole life. In the XVII-XIX centuries in the homes of relatives living in large families of all generations. Grandmother had not been a burden for any family member. They are always surrounded by love and care until the last day they remained head of the family. Just tell them all the hidden and secret, asked the Board to a variety of situations.
Now, we often recommend to their friends and girlfriends. Not seldom ask for advice from parents. But to anyone and does not occur to talk about their problems is to grandmothers, believing that "these survivors from the mind of the old woman and say something anything worthwhile can not." That phrase is now often possible to hear from the lips of matured grandchildren. We tried to dissociate itself from the grandmothers, placed them separately. And only on holidays we go on a visit to decency. Generally, there is the typology of elderly women. Among older women are three types. The main criterion of this classification is their attitude toward their own age. Whether we like it or not want, but old age comes to all. And only depends on us whether we can always remain young at heart.
Thus, the types of older women: the "young", "mature" and an old woman. Well, now let's look at each detail of the proposed categories. "Young" women are making every effort to look young, elegant. They are always active and charged with the energy surrounding people. Often the women of this type are exclusively engaged in their own problems and pay little attention to his surprise (for the grandparents themselves, of course) grandchildren grown up, that is you. With these grandmothers can become friends, unless you bring them a big hassle. They will gladly help you in any real-life situations as seeking to dialogue with people much younger than himself. They are interested in your life, they are always ready to help.
The next type of older women - "the old woman." This type - the exact opposite of the previous one. They are dismayed to age, therefore, as a rule, are pessimistic and are immersed in a deep apathy. Women of this type are slovenly and forgetful. They are busy only with their health and like to talk a lot about time and time again plaguing their disease. They will give you a bunch of useless tips on how to stay young. But even with these grandmothers should start a friendship, because they love to give advice. Even if they do not solve your problem, it really will hold its thorough analysis of need, and it will help you understand the difficulties. In addition, the women of this type of beautiful lady, and you can just use them to understand all the secrets of cooking and housekeeping.
The third type of older women can be called women "mature." They accept their fate, without falling into extremes. These women understand the need to match the style of behavior and age are trying to behave so as not to look ridiculous, absurd, and no cause to his pity. For them, entry into the sixth or seventh decade of life - not a reason for gloominess, a pretext for a thorough analysis of his career and a critical eye on itself. If your grandmother refers to this type, it is more of a wise friend and advisor you will not find it. She will not read the endless moralizing and make comments about your appearance. She has never itself will not discuss your personal life, but if you go to her for advice, it always helps you, and follow its recommendations, you are in any situation to succeed.
What can we learn from grandparents?
Grandmothers can learn a lot. Housekeeping, carefully the family budget, culinary wisdom - all these are already well understood and tried out by grandmothers on their own experience. Their knowledge and skills passed the test of time. Do not neglect the wise counsel, even if you are 100% confident in their own right. Listen to them, sometimes absurd advice, maybe it is there you will find the only right decision. No need to strengthen your age limit, which is already high. Include her in a circle of best friends. The most important thing in every woman's life - this is love. Love - a wonderful, light, a sublime feeling. Romantic dreams, dating, doubts, worries, courtship, immense happiness and then parting, and starts all over again, until you find it - a true love for life.
Later matchmaking, cooking, marriage and life together. Almost a classic situation which develops in many women's lives. But although the situation is this, and I repeat understand it is not easy, and like the way this will help her grandmother, an older wiser woman who has experienced it all (well, maybe more than once). How much life experience, wisdom, and just interesting stories have piled up are not on this occasion. Grandmother - my dear, close, loved one, but it is difficult to address it with the disturbing question of love. How did she react to this: Do listen, understand, sympathize, wants there to give advice or tell your story? How many doubts, because in my childhood so it was easy to trust our secret to quarrel with a friend, or accidentally torn dress. What has changed now? We have matured, and on the face of my grandmother were added wrinkles?
No, of course, this is not a reason for that lost confidence and understanding between you, nothing has changed, everything is still, and you can safely refer to my grandmother with any question. Naturally seek to correct, because it is a man of another generation, education and other views, but the board she would never refuse, and even gives a lot of advice for all occasions. Sometimes it happens that my grandmother is too intrusive and inquisitive, they want to know everything that happens in your life, but that is no reason to move away from it because this grandma advice can be very useful. Of course, the modern reality is very different from the time when our grandmother fell in love and married. On many things happening right now, they look with amazement, even with horror, and wonder: "Where rolls the world?". It can also cause confusion in the initial phase of communication, but if your grandmother - a wise woman, and you do not shut down for an objective perception of new information, the process of communication with you will be able to understand that the relationship between men and women in general have not changed and Grandma's advice is quite applicable and useful in our day.