Groundless and unjustified jealousy
Have you noticed that your beloved is too jealous - he watches your every move, throws baseless accusations that prohibits communicating with other men. How to regard such behavior: Is it natural manifestation of jealousy in love or whether such excessive suspicion is unacceptable behavior in love? It is believed that jealousy - a measure of the love of one person to another. The absence of jealousy is often interpreted as a sign of indifference. If we define the concept more precisely, the jealousy is rather a fear of losing a loved one, than a demonstration of love.
Jealousy is not an absolute indicator of candor, she can not prove a hundred percent by feelings, though still a definite pattern between the power of love your vote, and his jealousy there. To love a man is only natural to feel fear and uncertainty, if he sees how you flirted with his potential rivals. Justified jealousy can be a natural expression of his feelings for you.
Certainly, a man in love should be jealous of the object of his dreams. If your partner has never voiced his suspicions, even in cases where you really give him a reason: for example, too openly flirted with someone else or were delayed at work late, it might suggest, that his feelings for you not so strong and he's not afraid to lose you. For Valentine's inherent natural suspicion and doubt.
Baseless and unfounded jealousy has a different origin. The first option unfounded jealousy: you notice that your beloved constantly pounces on you with accusations, not for a moment leaving you alone. The reason for the accusations is that you closely watched the totally unfamiliar to you men that are automatically added to the your lover. You have no right to a secret or secrets, you are constantly under the supervision of your vote. Such jealousy is pathological in nature and is not proof of loyalty and sincerity of feeling.
The second option unfounded jealousy: your beloved - a typical loser: he always had bad luck with women, he often ran into treachery and deceit. Well, of course, in such circumstances, he simply lost faith in the sincerity of the opposite sex. Then the jealousy of your partner - it's just a sign of insecurity in you and in yourself, fear of mistake again.
The third option unfounded jealousy: perhaps your beloved too jealous of the fact that he did not go off to the left. Jealous of you, he is just trying to cover their tracks, because, as we know, the best way to protect - the attack. In any case, excessive unjustified jealousy can not be proof of the sincerity of your partner, it is likely she talks about some internal complexes of your vote, or indicate that your relationship is something wrong.