Group Sex
How to diversify sex? Does this help at all? Can live and engage in regular sex? I'll tell you a few facts from the American and Canadian public opinion polls. Of all the women interviewed in Canada about group sex dreams 75% of women. And 50% of women want sex with two men and 15% of women and 10% did not prefer one or the other. In Canada, there is such a thing as a swing party, where they release only beautiful couples where partners are exchanged at will and sex.
Swingers in the basic weight - the rich, smart and educated people. Others can not afford it. Each year the number of swingers is growing at 3%. Scientists estimate that since 20 years swing will do everything married couples. In addition, among swingers couples divorce rate in percentage at three times less than the number of divorces among ordinary couples do not deal with swing. Swing strengthens marriage. Such a conclusion was made by Canadian sociologists as a result of this study. Fact is fact, and with him will not argue. I will not make any assumptions about this, and conclusions.
Personally I am attracted not only the group sex with a girl, but the process of seducing her in this sex. This is a very interesting process, which allows these emotions to all participants, which does not give the usual standard sex. In addition, when a girl has sex with several guys at once, so any warming up, it comes from such an excitement that unusual for a woman during a routine sex. And you can become addicted to it, as to the drug.

Different people can relate to it differently. If you - killjoy, your business. Personally, I like debauchery and not going to be ashamed of. I can not afford to be honest about that state. And for the same positive lovers of debauchery, I will write, publish material, which puts thousands of people like me. This is a valuable material on how to breed a girl on a threesome! And it's really very simple. It is important to know some of the behavior of women and have the courage to experiment a few times with my friends. The most important thing - to start. Frankly, for some it can then be abused drug in sex, as it turned out for me. This is a completely different side of sex. The woman is excited by two men in ten times stronger.
The woman - not a saint. She, too often there are such ideas - to have sex with two guys. And many of these women - 50%, as it turned out. This is not a slut and girls of low poshiba. Perfectly normal girls who respect themselves, confessed to me that would like to have sex with two guys. But while they had so much BUT that the probability of such a sex itself is minimized. One day, my friend has openly declared that he wanted sex with two men. And said, with what exactly. I brought it with them. And they did not succeed. She was frightened, although she came to them on their own initiative.
Fears of women against sex threesome
1.He deem me a whore. This is the main fear and concern. That is why many girls never consciously go for sex with two men. Because a priori, it is believed that the girl in this case - a whore. More precisely, the girls think so. In fact, it is not, and it must be able to properly "turn" and avoided such biases. It is for this reason there is a very clear rule of group sex. Never talk about group sex, while you all three of us were not in bed naked and condoms. Because at a conscious level, any girl always refuses, if her forehead to offer group sex . Any self-respecting girl. Just the other we are not interesting.
2.Kto something learns. This is a very delicate moment for the woman. This will be a great shame for her. Needed at the first of its resistance to say about it. When she cries out to me or my friend who comes into the room naked: "Go away" - I usually say: "Do not worry, nobody will know, this will be our little secret."
The strategy, which I'll tell you right now is acting correctly. She checked and adjusted, can not imagine how many women have experienced the joy of group sex, taking advantage of it. As a result, I found that 90% of women can be made on a form of sex, that is, almost everyone. After each case, we gathered together in order to adjust the strategy. It was very fun and interesting. We had a breakup and destruction, and as a result you can reap the fruits of our efforts.
Scenario one hundred percent divorce any woman for sex
The first rule of group sex - never a hint of group sex. If you do, a woman will close and be wary. And as soon as she feels the first hint of group sex, she'd slip away, scared or be against it, so that nothing will come of it.
The second rule of group sex I call it the "rule of three Ps" - Right First Sticks. Do not laugh, it seriously so called:). The first girl to fuck the guy who was sleeping with her. If it no one has slept, it usually does not matter. But to start with the need to group sex that woman fucks someone one. First. And in the course of connecting the second. Naturally, the situation may be different. Sometimes women are bred to have sex two guys. I have met are fighting ladies. These cases will not even consider. Assume that she has never engaged in such sex, and to him is not ready yet.
The third rule of group sex - control. It is important to "keep" the situation until the last moment, so that women simply had no chance to escape under the influence of emotions and excitement. The meaning of this you'll find an example.
The fourth rule - positive. You always have to make a positive emotion, laughter and jokes. Pretend that you are very shocked by what you do that for you it's too unusual. This is a definite adjustment for a woman.
What you need to succeed?
Confidence and obstinacy of purpose. Some had 2 hours to breed for sex with a freewheeling and kickbacks. A woman can raise barriers to this fascinating process, and if you want it hard enough, you'll be able to breed any. And if you break down at the first of its negativity, you can not divorce her - the guts yet you have, then, train do not pay attention to women's negative. They love these guys who pofigu all female whims and FIs.
In addition, it is very important that I loved my friend as a man. It is desirable that we had the normal understanding and revelation. Many people have written me that they learn from the stories I once wrote. And that these stories act as a guide or as a scheme. Some print out the story and keep it ready, so in case anything happens to spy. Here is their something I will publish the book, to those of you who are close to this kind of sex, it was easier to learn and realize their fantasies!
I would like to add that many people mistakenly believe that having sex with two girls is better than sex between two men and one woman. I want to say that this is totally different and to compare it is by no means impossible. And the kind of sex, and other equally inserts on the level of emotion. He is above any sex of any kind was a girl (if they are not two!).