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Guardian Angel Prayers

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Guardian Angel Prayers

About The Holy Angel Guardian and protector of my blessing! With a broken heart and painful soul represented Tee, praying: Hear me, a sinner of his servant (name), with strong crying and weeping bitter vopiyuschago; not remember my transgressions and iniquities, imizhe al wretched grieve thee for all the days and hours, and squalid, I make myself before the Creator, our Lord, has revealed Himself to me mercy and not out mene skvernago even before his death moeya; exciter me from the sinful slumber and posobstvuy your prayers other time of my life without blemish and preiti sotvoriti fruits worthy of repentance, more than the same from falling sinful mortals keep the name, yeah not die in despair, and so no joy on the destruction of my enemy. Vem truly and usty confess Thou no man is such a friend and predstatel, zaschititel and advocate, as Thou, holy angels: to be more the throne of the Lord, molishisya about me than all indecent and sinful, but not izimet Preblagy my soul in the day, and accidentally my day creation of malice. Not ceases UBO appease premiloserdago Lord and my God, yes let my sins, which is shed made throughout my Life, deed, word, and all my feelings and imizhe news of the fate, he shall save me, let me punish zde by its ineffable grace, but yes does not rebuke me not istyazhet Onam in His justice impartially, but vouchsafe me to bring repentance, repentance to the same divine communion worthy enterprises, more so pray about this, and takovago gift vseuserdno wish. As scary as the hour of death, neotstupen wake mi, good my guardian, driving mrachnyya demons imuschyya frightened pritrepetnuyu my soul; protect me from those ciated with one, when the imam prehoditi air ordeal, but you are vulnerable, comfortably attain paradise mi vozhdelennago to where the saints and Litsa Horní forces continually praise honorable and majestic name of the Trinity slavimago God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, it is befitting the honor and worship forever and ever. Amen.
Holy Angel, the upcoming damned my soul and passion of my life, leaving no mene sinner, below far from me for my intemperance; not grant places wicked demon obladati me violent smertnago this is solid; fortify the distressed and lean my hand and guide me in the way of salvation . To her, the angels of God, the Guardian and protector okayannyya moeya body and soul, all I'm sorry, elikimi offended thee in all the days of my life; iasche that I have sinned in preshedshuyu night unto this very, protect me in the present day; isohrani me from every temptation protivnago, yes In no stoneware angered God Imola for me to the Lord, establish me in his STRAS and show me a servant worthy of his goodness. Amen.

Angel of God, my holy guardian, to respect me by the Lord from heaven this diligently pray thee, and thou enlighten me this day, and from all evil forbid, to the good deed and guide the path of salvation to the right. Amen.
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