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Guardian angels exist

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Guardian angels exist

Everybody has heard about guardian angels, and they'll take trouble and advise how to deal with difficult situations. Skeptics called the people who protect their angel just lucky, and tips Guardian Angel non-believers regard as clean water are well-developed intuition.

I will not try to refute someone's opinion, after all, irrefutable facts, the existence of angels I have not, but since I do not count myself among the skeptics, my article is intended primarily for people who believe in the presence of their lives such thing as a guardian angel.

In Christianity, the guardian angel or good spirit, given to man by God in baptism, for help and guidance. Such an angel sent each person at the right road. In some religions believe that guardian angels can go from person permanently or temporarily. Usually this occurs when a person deliberately ignores all signs and warnings that sends him to his angel.

If a person commits a grievous act, guardian angel can also leave it. It is also believed that the Guardian angels throughout a person's life can change. If one guardian angel can not cope with the tasks, he can not affect the person or send it back on track, may come to replace another angel.

Guardian angels never affect other people besides the owner. They can not ask them to intervene in someone else's life. Some people try to get in touch with the angel who seek out books that tell how to do it. It should not do it because trying to communicate with his guardian angel, you can accidentally open access to other forces that do not always have a positive effect on people.

If there is such a need, Guardian Angel will find himself a way to join with you in contact. Way to understand his guardian angel, it is

prayer, good deeds, good emotions. When a person is constantly in a bad mood guardian angel hard to get through to him.

Tips from the Angels can come in a variety of situations ... We often call these tips with the inner voice that is sometimes very clearly tells us what we should do. There are many examples of life when people are gathering in the road, at the last moment passed airfare or train, because I distinctly heard the warnings about the dangers of their guardian angels. As a result, planes and trains, which have refused to sit down at the last moment, these people - failed, and accidents.

If we turn to the Kabbalah, according to this doctrine, there are 72 angels who take care of us from birth, and remain with us throughout our lives. This "ofanimy" or they are called "angels of the spheres and the stars." It is believed that these Angels can assist anyone who would turn to them with the request.

In this case, they become guardian angel of the man who turned to him and help him up until a specific situation is not resolved. Each of the 72 Angels "master" in their business, so deal with specific problems need not just any angel, namely one that can solve exactly this problem.

For example, if you fail in financial matters - refer to "the angel of abundance," Al-Kabat, if you are alone and no longer wish to tolerate this state of things, you will Ayau, Yaha etc. If the request has a global nature and the decision of a question depends on your life and destiny, according to Kabbalah, should refer to the angel, under the auspices of which you were born.

In Christianity, on the contrary, it is believed that the name of his angel, you know you can not, because Angel is an entity endowed with intellect, constantly moving, free, incorporeal, serves God, by grace received for his immortal nature: one only the Creator knows the type and definition this entity (St. John Damascene). "

Whatever the case may be, apply to the Angels can, and without naming specific names, for example, using this prayer:

"The angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, all mi forgive elika sinned in dneshnii day: guile, and from every contradiction mi enemy deliver me, but not in koemzhe stoneware provoked my God, but pray for me, a sinner and unworthy slave, for they let you show me worthy of the goodness and mercy Vsesvyatyya Trinity and the mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. "Amen."

And feel the presence next to a Guardian Angel is not difficult, in contact with the angel tells aggravated intuition and luck, which will accompany you every time as soon as you listen to your inner voice!

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