Guardian for a year
This talisman must be done on the night of 21 to 22 December.
That night - the longest of the year. At this time, you can protect against any witchcraft not only themselves but also their family. The day before this freeze and thaw a large bowl of water. Cover the table and assemble them for the whole family. You can call friends and neighbors (unless you have good relations with them). Generally, the more will be at the table well-intentioned people, the better. Table should be served meatless products: this time, just have a Christmas post. Necessarily put on the table kutyu - wheat or rice porridge with raisins, honey refilled. In the center of the table should be a bowl of melted water, and around it - so many candles, how many people are sitting at the table. Sit at a table in the period from sunset to midnight. Extinguish the lights and light the candles. Present themselves to light his candle. Light the candles need from one torch, passing it clockwise. In the bowl of melted water each person puts an object - a chain, a ring or a locket. Please note that after the rite of your item can not come back to you, so do not go putting too expensive things. It is best to negotiate with all in advance and buy the same items. Once the candles are lit, you need all together to read aloud this prayer:
In the aforesaid timid and fearful hour, when moved by the heavenly hosts, when before Thy glory, with fear and trembling will face all the Angels Archangels, Cherubim and Seraphim, when the foundations of the earth shake and tingle every breath from the glory of Thy Majesty nesravnimago - in the aforesaid hour let me cover thy hand under their wings and let him deliver my soul from strashnago fire and gnashing of teeth and pitch darkness, and vechnago crying, so I could say I will bless thee: Glory voshotevshemu save a sinner in all the great bounties of His blagoutrobiya!
To do this in advance, prepare flyers to rewrite them a prayer - so many sheets, how many people at the table. Need to rewrite large to be seen in twilight.
After that all the baptized and eat. Necessarily need to eat all the food. When on the table leaving only empty plates, extinguish the candle. Again - every visitor extinguishes his candle by dipping it in water with the mascots. In this case, he says: "In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. Extinguish the candles in reverse order - clockwise, starting with the last man, lighting a candle. Extinguished her candle, a man buries his hand in a bowl and picked out the first available object. It's - his personal amulet. When the candles go out, turn on the lights and pour the water from the bowl over the threshold of the house, apartment or porch. A year later, Ward lost his savor, and he will need to get rid of. If this is the scapular or cross it - give it to the church (but do not throw away!). If the subject has no relationship to the sacred, then take him into the woods and dig under the birch.