Guessing by the name, numerology compatibility name
It's no secret that the relationship in a pair of lovers are not always going well and a role in this game is compatible a title through the planetary components of each. With this humorous telling, you can see how harmoniously your name is combined with that of your loved one, whether your relationship, communication, joint activities to bring you personal satisfaction, and most importantly - good luck. Please note that this guessing is programmed to check whether your name is harmoniously combined with the name of another person in love, sex, and nothing more. To any other areas besides this, divination does not apply. The result of the compatibility of a title is given in percentages. Guessing can check how Russian names, as well as foreign. Instead of this a title you can enter the ones that are for you the second "I", if these names do you use more often than the real thing, they sign the documents. But if it idet about this name, then check only need to complete its form, but not diminutive: for example, if you checked the name of Dima, to enter the full name of Dmitri, because the difference between the planetary part of the full name and the diminutive is very large, respectively, the result too.