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Guest marriage

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Guest marriage

Along with informal (unregistered cohabitation trials, fornication, etc.) the family unit, there are other forms of marital relations, which on the one hand, it can be called a new trend of our time, and on the other - they can be regarded as a deviant phenomenon, contrary to the traditional rules and norms of family life. One of these types of family and marriage is a marriage of the organization "Weekend", known also as the guest marriage in which spouses are in a legally institutionalized relationship, prefer separation.

Causes of "guest relations" can be very different. Sometimes the spouses to live separately compelling circumstances. Love and communication are of course important, but the situation simply can not maintain a joint household. For example, when young people are married, living in various cities and studying full-time schools. Transfer from one institution to another is not always possible for objective reasons: there is no such specialty before graduation, there are very few times, you must complete a thesis to quickly protect it (in this case insists supervisor).

In this case, guest marriage - a sort of test, if it is regarded as intermediate between "meet" and "live". Because often, after the formal marriage young people are not ready for consumer side of family relationships. Sexual passion inevitably subside, but the situation on the "domestic front" escalates. And in marriage, "Weekend" way of life and passion combine in perfect proportion. Young people have time to miss each other, she wants to cook him something, and he for her arrival dusting and washing floors. Any meeting for them, in spite of the lawful marriage - a real feast to which each of them prepared in advance in order to please his beloved (beloved).

 When after a year or two of "conjugal visits" life together finally improve, the problems commonly encountered any young family, for a married couple is no longer afraid, they have learned to appreciate each other and experiencing genuine joy from the fact that they had an opportunity nowhere to go and not go from a loved one. Variants are possible, when one spouse is living with minor children from his first marriage, or with elderly parents who need constant care. And his chosen one or beloved is difficult to get along with them. It would seem, with close people and problems are common.
But children, especially the age of adolescence, often resist a new marriage or the marriage of his parents. Stepson is not always ready to accept the new mother's husband, as well as stepdaughter may appeal against that of their mother with the world was "strange" people. Seriously ill mother-in-law with a difficult character will always cause discord in the family life of his daughter. In such cases, the guest marriage - the best solution to the problem arising in the family.

An important motive for such a marriage could be formalized. After all, women of retirement age, which has developed a certain relationship with a man, not easy to admit that in her old age appeared "lover". To open relationship in adulthood, and even more so in old age society's attitude is very negative: the here and disapproval of the adult children, and condemnation of the neighbors, gossip and female friends. Therefore, a woman of retirement age "for the sake of decency" officially married, but do not want to lose their freedom. There may be material considerations from both sides: the children of each spouse expect to receive a legacy of their living space, for this reason that the husband and wife do not want to arrive, and may in turn that live in one apartment, then the other, without merging their assets. It turns out that seems to be officially family, and there, but overall was not at home.

Guest marriage as a form of forced marriage

Guest marriage as a form of forced marriage may get people who, because of the lack of jobs are leaving for a long time from home to earn money to feed his family. For example, a resident of the CIS arrives on the scene in Moscow, leaving at home his wife and children. By family he visited by only during the holidays to give away her hard earned money to ensure his wife and children at the time of his lack of livelihood. Then returns to its former place of work. In this case, too, can talk about a guest married to the financial component, although this form of conjugal relations is forced, temporary in nature.

Very often, " guestbook marriage "has a material basis, when men and women is simply good to be together, they have the same business, general condition, which naturally lead to a common child, and common house. Often, a woman earns more than men: it is interesting and prestigious job, at which it disappears from morning till night. In this situation, it is not up to her husband. Suppose that, of course, it will be, but at a distance. If the marriage has children, they often live alternately in one parent, then another. Their education is most often one of the parents is not seriously engaged, the mission entrusted to or grandparents, or a governess, and a tutor that is becoming quite common in homes of wealthy Russians.

It would seem, serious family problems in guest families do not exist. Spouses may, by mutual request of the evening go somewhere together, and do not quarrel because of whose turn it is to vacuum or wash the dishes (the total domestic problems at home for each of them sidelined). Sexual relations for a long time remain attractive to both parties, delivering more fun than living together, it becomes a sort of duty, called a marital duty. If you prefer, you can have a child who will have the legal mother and father. Communicating with strangers or unfamiliar people, we can proudly say "my husband" (or "my wife"), rather than to select a suitable situation for words such as "my girlfriend", "my partner" or "civil partner", thereby emphasizing, that being next to me man special role in my life does not play, and I can afford ...

However, no matter how praised guest marriage married partners, it is, in my opinion, more minuses than pluses. The same household side of life much simpler if duties can be divided. Not every man can cook your own breakfast, lunch or dinner, much less washed and ironed clothes and tidy up your weekend (business) suit. Not easily account for, and a woman. At any point in the house may have problems that require man's hands.

Perhaps one of the most difficult problems in the marriage is the existence of cause for jealousy. Whatever were the relations between spouses living separately, they still will be thinking about where and with whom they may be the husband (wife) "Weekend". To raise children - is also not entirely successful version. For the full development of the child is better to live a normal family to be together constantly, not only occur on occasion, even for this will be set strict schedule of such meetings. Often happens that the spouses have different views on their relationship. Man, for example, this form of marriage can be fully satisfied, and the woman secretly hopes that soon everything will change and they will live together, as befits a real spouse.

Each person creates a family home in its presentation and understanding. For some, the ideal - the patriarchal family, and someone on the soul - an egalitarian marriage. This problem for a person to decide no one can except him. But can hardly be considered a full-fledged family, if not hope that the spouse does not let you down, will not refuse to help, do not cease to love, do not pollute the conjugal love of fornication, not leave in the most difficult moment, finding a new love. So are in fact "not all are able to age like"? No, all are capable. Love - the great gift of nature, and give it to everyone, but not everyone is able to recognize it in the flurry of searches "unearthly passion."

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