Gynecology and stress
Almost all gynecological diseases are caused by trauma. Drug treatment is much faster and more effective when a woman undergoing psychotherapy.
Any doctor knows that stress impairs the health. But how exactly does this happen?
Remember how you fell in love with someone, and he cheered and threw you. Or - you're in love, unrequited love, and it last for years ... Or - he's married, can not abandon the children. These "or" a lot, but the result is - gynecological problems. We are not talking about the dangers of sexual relations, and the danger of negative experiences in love. It is they who are most dangerous to the health of women.
Interestingly, in Homoeopathy (an alternative medical direction), there are many medications designed specifically for women. And in describing the actions of these drugs can find different types of female character. Many leading homeopaths of the world can be considered a first-class psychologists. Because the most important thing for them to identify than in a psychological sense, is a woman and what she suffered a severe case in my life.
The mechanism of complex diseases. The disease itself does not occur as soon as you throw a favorite or perish someone close. Initially, the hit takes mentality. You suffer for a while, hoping either to change events for the better, or at the time that all the "treats".
Brain, however, is not waiting, and as the captain of the perceiving human systems are the first to fire on himself. Its delicate cells are injured. What does it mean for a brain injury, even if it's the micro?!
Brain - the director of the body. Imagine a company with a sick director. But the head of the enterprise can be replaced, but the brain is not replaced. Even slightly damaged brain gives the wrong team all the nerves and the endocrine system, ie the glands that produce the necessary chemicals for the interaction of all bodies. One of the main gland that produces hormones that ensures proper operation of genital organs, is located approximately in the middle of the head - the hypothalamus. But that said medical encyclopedia (publ Veche, AST Moscow 1998 p. 233):
The composition of the hypothalamus includes more than 30 nuclei, responsible for controlling body temperature, thirst, hunger, appetite, water balance in the body and its sexual function. In addition, it is closely connected with emotional activity and sleep, but also serves as the center, which integrates hormonal and autonomic nervous activity by monitoring the secretion of pituitary hormones.
A pituitary hormones are responsible for your youth.
That is what lies behind the usual psihotravmoy. No one will argue with the fact that the quiet man health stronger. Time is important to understand that the psyche is not something detached from the body. You can not count on saving "healing" time. Long experience of the therapist is completely debunks this myth. The woman thinks she's already forgotten, and ask her to focus on the bottom of the stomach, she cries and remembers all our failures and injuries related to personal life.
Of course, one or the kitchen with a neighbor to remember is not very useful, but the memories for a psychotherapeutic session, often lead to the rejection of tablets and the removal of heavy diagnoses.
Finally want to paraphrase the popular saying goes: "Take care of your nerves" - beware mentality - it home to our health. Negative energy psihotravmy stored by the body, and only competent scattering of this energy can stop the disease.