Gypsy whammy
With the Gypsies should be careful, Roma - voodoo people and touchy. Say what is wrong, do not thank or not to give money, and may overlook. Gypsy whammy may be inherited. This is especially dangerous for children whammy: not in vain because Roma children scare.
If you stick to the gypsy on the street or at the market, give her ten rubles, and it is better not pay attention, and most importantly, the eye does not see, then it will jinx you can not, because for the guidance of witchcraft is a prerequisite. If on the hook and lure you have it all money, or watch, or ring - Gypsy not swear. Not that it will be worse. If you feel that after talking with a gypsy woman on you the evil eye (on his signs, I say nothing at first), then the only way to remove it - to pay off. Give any begging gypsy so much money that she thanked you properly. (The gypsies are very generous with thanks.) Following this evil eye will disappear by itself.