Your health and fitness is a important matter for your body.Mind and soul is not properly working without health and fitness.Your body are going to be die,so to make your life
more lavishing and enjoyfull,you must take care of your self to maximize your enjoyment of your precious life.
To make your body fit and have to loose extra flesh occours in your body.So here represents some five major weight loss tips to make yourself fit.

1:FAST FOOD-Now a days peoples prefer taking fast food rather than lunch from home.
The reason behind this is that fast food is avilable to get rid off teh effort to make lunch from home,peoples will take snacks out there.But they does not think about how much calories they will load from that.Byside fast food or junk food increases your fat in your body.
So stop taking junk food from outside...Always having good,hygenic,clean and healthy to make yourself fit and fine.

2:DRINKS-When peoples are thirsty..they used to drink cola,alcohal and etc.But always use drinks which do not have any calories or less calories like water,tea or diet cola.
Do not take alcohal or soda in life ,it cause too much calories to reduce your health.

3:SNACKS-Snacks are generally be taken when there is nothing to eat,normally at evening time.So fill your cupboard or refrigerator with low calorie snacks loke biscuit,namkeen or sweet so that your weight would not gain so much.Just get rid of those high calorie or high carbohydrate,high jaggery sugar form.

4:DINNER-Your dinner should be so more green vegetables,soyabeans instead of eating heavy meal.Avoild rice in dinner because it contain lots of fats..which make your body lazy,boredam.

5:EXERCISE-It must be your daily routine to exercise your body fully to loose extra fat.Especially for cold weather.because in cold weather if you can exercise your body more vittalize,It burns your body calorie.for ex always use stairs as compared to fit your body tone.Exercise your self daily to increase your life span.