Finally, you can clearly see what is happening again. All the past decade, Neptune was in your sign, and though he carried with him an inspiration and ease, always present, and a hazy screen, something like a veil, not giving you a touch of reality. It's like looking through a window or screen: the action in full swing, but you do not participate in it. When in April Neptune leaves the sign of Aquarius in Pisces, the impression will be as if a window has opened, letting in the real world with all its sounds, smells and raindrops. Yes, you will now be less protected than before, but the sense of touch with reality so perfectly that trumps all.
But in this adventure gained its sharpness, ringing voltage world will not continue indefinitely. In the late summer of Neptune will be back in Aquarius, though in early 2012 will go again, this time permanently. You might think it's forced return to the old order of things completely out of place - but you will notice the contrast between past and present condition, and it will be very useful. If you are still trying to find for itself the right direction for the future (a long stay of Neptune in your sign made it a difficult task), the summer may finally bring clarity.
Your personal life will run the eclipse: they always promise to change - often very sharp. However, this year has not like the others, because partial eclipse, and it mitigates their effect. In order to change its relationship with someone you do not need to be with him to say goodbye. You will have even a chance to see and maybe try what could be the life together. Whatever strategy you may have chosen, and still win - would always be so!
Your career is a big part of the year will be successfully promoted, while in December may have some problems with money. If you're running alone a new project, you may find that the development of the case would require much more time than you planned.