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Theoretically, this year should be for you one of the best in life. From January to June, the mighty Jupiter helps you to realize new opportunities to establish contact with the right people to start new projects. Partial eclipse in July in your sign - another indicator of change for the better. But to all realized, the desired direction, and you in the first months of the year is difficult to define its purpose. Natural instinct urges you to keep the familiar, but in this case do not rely on instincts. June and July will bring a clear understanding of what is happening: in these months carefully considering new ideas, choose the most promising and follow them.
With regard to privacy, this year's strong friendship seems to be something big. While friendship is still one thing, it's easy to keep in a separate compartment of your life. However, it is her turn in the novel as an emotional wave washes away the protective borders, exploring new partner unexplored side of your nature - and you may not like it. Return relations to their previous state almost impossible to erect new borders, outlining what is allowed and what is not allowed, just difficult. In July, these problems can reach a crisis point and force to make a choice. But you somehow manage to reach a compromise. July sweet and affectionate - you'll still avoid sharp corners. The atmosphere is fraught with controversy in August, but more productive. End of the year promises more stability, although the status and future of your novel to be finalized.

Career would be best to move in the first months of the year, while Jupiter is on your side. In April, may come a time when you feel that the burden is daunting, and doubted, should not give someone more capable to take your place. But in the end you can do it yourself and find the strength to go forward. Possible to achieve the result it will take longer than expected, but only: serious causes for concern.

From a financial point of view of the year may be uneven. In June and July is expected sharp decline in August, but the planets will allow you to restore their reserves.
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