2011 will be unusual, and you do it will probably enjoy it. It will be a year of transition: before you priotkroyutsya new doors, giving a glimpse of them before you decide to go or fall back on if they saw you will not like it. Typically, new stages of life require a decision before we know what awaits us, therefore, such an interim solution seems very attractive. And with your ingenuity, you probably will be able to repeatedly "run down" here and there, before making a final choice. Maybe you even have a few months to live in two worlds simultaneously. Another sign of this situation would cause a lot of concern, but it just amuse you. But this situation can not last forever and eventually must be resolved in favor of the future. In addition, in areas where you have made your selection, you will have to wait until the planet is not complete their program - can sometimes be boring, like in the movie we are watching, knowing what's all over. But if you do not strain to treat the year as a big game and remind myself that the decision will have to take at the very end, then in 2011 you will find many enjoyable.

In the sphere of personal relations will be a difficult year. Both you and your partner can occur moments of doubt: is it worth continuing? But every time you manage to get around obstacles. It seems that each step requires a general discussion and agreement, each action becomes a matter of controversy. In the past you would have already put an end to such a complex relationship, but now finds the strength to continue. You feel something elusive, but it's worth fighting for - and both of you feel that way, which is especially nice.
With regard to career, it will be unstable. Maybe you need some time to decide on the next step and explore the options available. You also get the freedom of choice only after a series of legal procedures - in the autumn, it looks very likely. Financial prospects are favorable year, especially during the summer months will be successful. In January and July can be anxious moments, but will arrange everything - and better than you expected.