There are some break up guidelines that will help you through messy business of ending a relationship.
Make up your mind before breaking up.
Don’t be silent: You should be able to speak to someone you dated and even went to bed with. Sometimes people just stop returning phone calls, one might think that your phone has broken. It is just a bad manners to blank another person. Keep the conversation simple, and don’t bog down in details. But help your partner see that you both deserve people with whom you truly match up.
Don’t use the phone to break up: never leave a break up phone message.
Be clear: don’t go through these common lines like “ I need some space” or “ I need to be alone for a bit” when finishing a relationship. Don’t give him or her any hope just straight away tell him or her that now you don’t want to continue this relation and then end your relation clearly.
Do your own dirty work: don’t try to force someone to break up with you by becoming bitchy and unreasonable. Don’t invent any jealousy or complaints in your partner. Take responsibilities of your dissatisfaction.
If you do lie, lie well : If you do lie, lie well and don’t treat him or her with respect and don’t try to be honest.
Stage the break up carefully: A breakup is usually not a pleasant affair. Don't have the "goodbye" talk in the middle of a restaurant, or at a friend's house. Find a quiet place where you both feel relatively comfortable, and spend time to talk about it. Don't just say "I've decided I don't like you any more - goodbye" and run out the door.
Don’t feel the break up guilt: don’t feel the break up guilt because you break up for the sake of your good future or anything that matters you more than relation. So move ahead and don’t worry about your past relationships.
Offer a reason for the break up: Here are three don'ts:
- Don't make him feel he did something wrong that turned you off.
- Don't make him feel that there is something wrong with his physical or emotional makeup that renders him unlovable.
- Don't give him false hope that you'll change your mind.
You need to offer the real reason for the break up that’s plausible.