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HR Manager

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HR Manager

We all know, and I think most of us recognize that the construction personnel at the moment - one of the fastest growing areas of the construction of a truly successful operation of any company. Judge for yourself and see: has successfully selected frames - successful operation of the relevant department. To this end, in organizations and there is such a man as HR-manager . Name it came to us to Russia not so long ago, actively vymeschaya over time from their familiar spots familiar to us the word "HR". For the sake of fairness say that the former essentially a new name has not changed. HR, it is HR-Manager - important for the company man who actually builds brick by brick the success of this company. Imagine a builder, carefully laying brick on brick. Day after day - and raised a house where every room has its own purpose. Bad bricks - shaky house that sooner rather than later, will fail.

For HP-manager of the most important work is precisely the construction of personnel policy. It is to them originally come new people with them being the first for a new employee negotiations, through them, either through the filter, are the most suitable applicants for certain jobs. In this regard, HR must have the whole set of skills that are related to how thoroughly examine the candidate on a post, to know the level of his skills, knowledge, eventually, to learn about him as a man to determine his personality and self-esteem, Naturally, the degree of suitability for your company. Agree: from a vast number of applicants HR selects the most worthy. How did he achieves this?

The answer is simple: human resources manager acting on a specific path. In most cases, he invites applicants for a personal interview, an interview with an eye for an eye, otherwise known as an interview. First, let's define what characteristics of a good HR. This is important because the items that will be outlined below, are the major "steps" or, as in the example with my builder "building blocks" of successful interviewing.

So what needs to be able HR-manager? OH:

√ has the ability to schedule an interview, in accordance with the urgent task to develop and conduct interviews;
√ knows how to get in the interview process and analyze relevant information;

√ always cleverly uses different techniques of interview, use different communication techniques to obtain the necessary information;

√ able to systematize the results and give an objective assessment, you can make informed staffing decisions, which is his ultimate goal.

Interview: What is and what it eats

Interview (it is the same - personal interview) a job - one of the stages of selection and evaluation of the candidate along with such techniques as psychological testing, review of personal data or, for example, special assignments. The list of such methods is, of course, not exhaustive. Say in all fairness (and few who dare, I think, to argue with this statement) that it was an interview today - one of the most popular methods for assessing staff: without it there can do any one an expert in human resources management. Every manager decides how, in his view, better, more productive to conduct interviews.

However, often such a scheme is "salted" and loses much of its productivity. Needed here, as they say, a fresh stream. Here we note the following fact. In connection with the development of labor markets inevitably stiffer competition, both among professionals and among employers seeking to improve the quality of the personnel of his company. Complicated and assessment procedures in personnel selection. In this interview will inevitably remain the main or the auxiliary part in the estimation procedure. However, the potential of the personnel of communication with prospective hires is immeasurably large. With skillful use of the technologies of interviewing personnel manager but can in decimal to determine the suitability of the candidate and whether he will fit in its frame. Look at the situation objectively and say: despite the reliance on knowledge, skills, abilities and experience of professionals who use this method, the interview - the easiest, quickest and cheapest way of selecting candidates for the vacancy.

The answer is yes

As mentioned above, there are a number of methods for the selection of personnel. And here we should say about the advantages of an interview that distinguish it from other methods of assessment, shall we say, professional suitability of candidates. Thus, the interview allows the personnel officer to do the following:

√ collect basic information about the candidate, "first hand";

√ clarify features of the value of the scale and life goals of the candidate;

√ to compare them with the goals and values, which puts the company to its employees;

√ identify the nomination of their own level of professional knowledge, skills and compare them with current business needs for a given position in the staffing, ie, determine whether the organization needs me such a specialist;

√ external data to evaluate the candidate's style of communication, that too will agree, is important;

√ identify communicative or social skills of the candidate;

√ For more information about the candidate, not disclosed in the application of other methods;

√ assess the professional knowledge of the candidate;

√ choose the best candidate, with equal estimates using other methods, and candidates are equally qualified;

√ directly ask a candidate of any information before making a final decision at its expense

Naturally, the interview, as with any method of work (and, incidentally, not just HR) has its drawbacks. And without it? Several disadvantages are especially pronounced. They are:

√ The fact that decisions are made almost in the first minutes of the meeting, after which hardly changed even if you have a lot of contradictory evidence;

√ Too large range of estimates between different interviewers;

√ negative information about a candidate is overestimated;

√ reliability is much inferior to the test;

√ stereotypical approach to the interview makes it discriminates against certain candidates;

√ The subjective nature of the interview is the source of favoritism.

What is a "stereotypical" approach? Let us imagine such a situation. Ivan Evseyevich - Manager Human Resources of such and such. Him to 56 years, he has quite an established position in life, belief system. Through his eyes was not one hundred employees, and his experience are the envy of even the president of this company. Ivan Evseyevich does not like extravagance in behavior, bright ties, loud voices and overly active people. And then to him for an interview comes Mr. Sidorov, 25 years old, a scream as luck would have it a tie, greeted loudly, quickly approached struggling shook his hand ... After it entered the room, Mr. Petrov, a classic suit, said a low, unhurried voice ... "tripped" stereotype, and even if the outcome of the interview in favor of the first, a hostile feeling may affect the decision of Ivan Evseevich, and the post will get Petrov. It is because of the subjectivity implies favoritism, I mean the preference for one candidate to another based on personal liking manager conducting the interview.

It is very important for the interviewer in this situation to avoid in its behavior manifestations of subjectivity, to yield "halo effect" of the candidate and his personal sympathies! It could derail the whole thing, yet it is very unfortunate Sidorov, which ironically came in for an interview to Ivan Evseevich in a yellow tie, could be an excellent employee. In short, do not be biased in the light of any personal likes or vice versa - dislikes. It hurt when nevam personally, then your company - absolutely. You must be objective in your decision later! Thus,

√ Consider candidates solely on his professional qualities and nothing more!

√ If you are still beset by emotions, try to keep them under control. In the end, you choose not to own another, but the company - a good shot.
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