Tell the truth is not easy, but lies in a relationship can lead to loss of confidence, if your deception will be opened. But to get from his men, to you, ladies, should be moderately explicit: keep quiet about unpleasant details, obscure tidbits of history. Try to drag the man to a concert of classical music, if he can not stand her. Do it without using manipulation virtually impossible. In such cases, allowed to hide some unsightly issues. You can tell plenty about the positive influence of classical music on the human body, to assure that the man will receive from this concert, great fun, but if you mention that high art he will enjoy three hours, then he is unlikely to accept your invitation.
Trying to persuade a man to go with you to the concert, it's better to miss a "minor" detail, as its duration, whether or not to focus on this note: "You know, it does not take up too much time." If you decide to persuade his friend, who does not like big companies, to go with you to the party, you can mention that it will be just friends. Of course, seeing a large number of people, your friend can not outright angry, but you can always refer to their own ignorance or chide the organizers of the evening for what they have so in a friendly cheated. And it will be half-truths .

If you set out to persuade your lover to let you go on a friend's birthday without him, it does not necessarily talking about the fact that the festival will not only girls, but still a few attractive young people without a pair. It is not necessary to be frank with her lover, that the planned corporate party must end in a sauna. Such juicy details better to just drop, but if your way by chance know about them, then you can always refer to his own forgetfulness: "Oh, I did not tell you anything?"
Certainly, this method of manipulation has its own underwater stones. For example, some women are too addicted to this simple but very honest way to pursue his men, which entails a loss of confidence. If reticence in your conversations become the main tool for achieving your goals, then sooner or later, your man will simply cease to trust you and all your subsequent words, even a really truthful, will be questioned. That is why use a similar method is not very often. There is another danger: fascinated easy victories, you can cross the line legally permissible and instead of half-truths begin to openly lie. But only for a time, while you will be on clean water - then your innocent hobby can turn into a very unpleasant consequences for your relationship.