Handsome prince
Appearances are deceptive. However, it is not even that. Encountering such a fine and noble prince on a white horse, you can be fascinated by the spot of his masculinity, fairness, honesty and good breeding. Such men are very convenient to introduce the parents. About them usually say: "What a noble and honorable young man," But is it just love with a fighter for the goodness and justice?
All the same sense of tact and decency today do not meet very often. And many girls order weary from dealing with scoundrels to myself and other questionable types, happily pecking at the bait. However, the relationship with just such a fighter for the goodness and justice are not so simple and pleasant as it might seem at first glance. As stated in one amusing aphorism: if a person everything is beautiful, it's not our man! Let's consider a situation in which a handsome prince , Mr perfection can be unpromising suitor.
1.Situatsii open confrontation and pronounced aggression. Of course, great, if a man can settle any matter the world. But when your life or health in danger, tactful and politically correct words like: "Lord, I pray you, remove your hands off my girl", to put it mildly, are not effective! Man out and a man! Sometimes he has to respond from a position of strength. And if your boyfriend is too well bred to stand up for himself or for you, such relationships are not too promising.
2.If your boyfriend is not just a noble man, but a righteous fighter for good and justice, it can be somewhat tedious. The man is too imperfect creature to decide what is true and what is not in this world. And when a man begins to judge what is right and what is not one who behaves honorably, and who is mean, he essentially turns into an arrogant pessimist. Criticizing the world was very harmful to the nervous system. So that even the most noble man, condemning everything in the world, is extremely unfavorable to the party fun and appropriate girl.
Thus, the final analysis of the prospects of your relationship to do, of course, you. "Good Guys" in general, and so good that they are willing to listen to the opinion from the outside, manageable and can be corrected. So, if the man you prefer, to test the waters and act!
Pont worth more than money
He shows up on your way to effectively and unexpectedly, like a devil of the woodwork. Expensive shoes, expensive car, communication at the highest level. Yes, he's just a handsome prince! But a little time passes and it becomes clear: no, it's not a handsome prince , it's just pontyarschik and vypendrezhnik borrowed shoes and a car, as well as greatly exaggerated their true context and opportunity.
Promising a love affair with the victim is such a slogan "Image everything? Well for starters is good news. His attention to your address you can be seen as a huge compliment. After all, these men are very concerned about their image and reputation. And therefore, everyone, especially women, are treated as an element of its irresistible.
That is, once you have attracted the attention of such vypendrezhnika here, then you really look woman who wants to brag to your friends, so that mentally thanked his men for the recognition of your beauty and effectiveness. In addition, there is one more pleasant moment. Every man considers it necessary "pontovatsya" in front of you, then you he really likes, and he struggled wants to make a favorable impression on you. Difficulties with such a man to arise in the event that you begin to build a serious relationship. What tests can wait for your pair, and how to overcome them?
1.B pursuit of fashion, Pontus, an elite and exclusive so young people can sometimes forget about common sense. For example, buy a Porsche for a hundred thousand dollars every month to throw a huge amount of maintenance, refueling, taxes and maintenance machines, although good, beautiful, reliable foreign car is five times less. Suggest loved to buy a car / apartment / clothing cheaper and better as something unusual decorate it. Say that a Porsche no surprise for anybody, on the ruble, he is at all, but the machine is in an interesting and unusual tuning attract attention.
2.Tvoy lover used to keep the brand and always look the coolest? Show him that you love him the way he is. Let the matter with you, he will relax. Be it for the man who does not need to constantly prove how cool he is. And your relationship will be harmonious and prosperous.