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Harmony between man

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Harmony between man

Every man is like the cosmos. There is such a thing - the "inner harmony of man ", generating harmony and external. What is it determined? Harmonious interaction of three main components: mind, heart and eros. Do not be afraid of the word "eros"! On many, I noticed it acts like a red rag. But under the Eros is understood vital energy, the most powerful energy of the physical body. Sexual energy, which often recall hearing the word "eros" - only a part of this vital energy. The concept of "eros" the same thing happened as with the concept of "love", which was divided into the earth and the divine, taking the first not more than a sexual relationship between a man and a woman.

Inner harmony Rights defined the harmonious interaction of three main components: mind, heart and eros. So, look at the man as a unity of mind, heart and Eros, and eliminates most profound disharmony, which is the cause of the crisis within the person and manifested later in life. If a person is not smart enough, it feels a lot of problems. Without a developed mind is difficult to realize themselves in life. If a person's heart is closed, his life is devoid of love and the brightest of colors. If a man has not developed eros, then he lacks the stamina to take action. In this case, a person has to spend on the life of biological energy of the body, which leads to disease, rapid aging and premature death. Condition for achieving internal harmony is the maximum development of all three parts.

Is also important not only how these parts are developed, but also how they are interconnected, whether they are friends with each other. Harmony of mind and heart gives birth to wisdom. But without the wisdom of eros is only contemplative. Harmony of all three parts, the whole Trinity, is characteristic of the wise creators creators.

The inner man Trinity
So, we looked into the essence of man, the essence of the creator, touched to the source and happy life and the various crises. It is very important here and put things in order. Especially now, when we enter a new era. Let us not spare the time and deeper look at the inner man Trinity. I suggest everyone look at themselves from these positions and eliminate internal disharmony. And your new state immediately manifest in the life of good works. It's simple - everything is within man himself. And paradoxically, the man hid inside and out of any crisis. I recommend that after reading the book again to return to this chapter. Because in each of the subsequent chapters - on the crisis in the family, society, financial, political and other crises - we will constantly refer to the original cause, to person. Man is the parent of all crises. Consequently, the change himself, developing, he is able to resolve the crises of life.

The mind unites man with the information space of the universe, the heart - with all-pervading power of love, eros - with wildlife. For human life is necessary to develop the mind, open heart, active energy (Eros). The mind unites man with the information space of the universe, the heart - with all-pervading power of love, eros - with wildlife. Thus, each element of the trio brings a man to the universal level. Their condition and their interaction are actively influence the formation of human destiny. When a trio of acting in concert, not dominating each other, completely exposing herself, while man lives happily and is a world of beauty.

Um, who took power over man

Today, we see that the Trinity is far from the state of harmony. For most people, characterized by excessive development of the mind. The mind rules over people. Commands the hearts and eros. And this is the main problem of humanity. The mind is taken to fully define a person's life, although his actual role is far less significant. The mind rules over people. Commands the hearts and eros. And this is the main problem of humanity. The mind is taken to fully define a person's life, although his actual role is far less significant. When the mind dominates the heart, a man loses the love and compassion, which comes to replace the state of coldness and indifference. And if the mind interferes with the movement of vital energy coming from eros, disrupt the natural processes in the body. Man becomes awkward, clumsy.

He has experience various mental and physiological abnormalities. This was clearly illustrated by the "smart" kids. Um, who took power over a man called reason. That is, the mind begins to tell, to talk about things going beyond their limits.

Um, who took power over a man called reason. That is, the mind begins to tell, to talk about things going beyond their limits. We should not underestimate the role of mind in life, but do not exaggerate and her. Everyone knows the expression: "In the beginning was the Word." So most people try to put the mind in the beginning of life and build on that his worldview. Uma was originally given the first place, and he establishes his authority over the man and the world. And once having taken power does not want to abandon it. If, moreover, it possesses the power for a long time, then begins to perceive a state as natural. The man secured the title "Homo sapiens", and so few who appears even the idea that the mind can and should be deprived of power.

When Eros is playing a leading role

If the fore eros, the mind becomes full of sexual energy up to hallucinations and inappropriate behavior. The dominance of Eros - the cause of many sexual crimes. A lot of mental disorders arises precisely on the basis of uncontrolled sexual energy. A person may become overly active, to meaninglessness. This so-called mad person. What causes disharmony within the trinity of man often meets people who have open heart, the mind is developed, active eros, but between them there is no agreement and understanding. Such a person contradicts himself in his thoughts, feelings and actions. In some situations it comes unreasonably, recklessly commits an obvious nonsense, obeying the impulse of the senses.

In other cases, where the required sensitivity, subtle manifestations of the soul, he, on the contrary, rassudochen and indifferent and act "as planned". The lack of agreement within the trinity of man speaks primarily about his lack of self-love. Self-love and is the unifying force, which is consistent interaction between the mind, heart and eros. In case of insufficient disclosure of the heart the love of self will be directed inward man, making it a closed system and making a selfish nature. Deep mind understands the danger of selfishness and struggle with it most effectively, according to his understanding, the method - a ban on self-love. The lack of agreement within the trinity of man speaks primarily about his lack of self-love.

One of the problems long plaguing humanity is the spirit of competition. It permeates almost every sphere of life - from childhood games to interstate relations. The desire to win the attention of a woman to get a better estimate, gather a collection, to achieve results in sport is based on a desire to assert himself in any way. It occurs in the absence of internal harmony. In any contest winner is not harmonious, and strong (smart, skilled, intelligent, strong-willed, aggressive) person who has one or two quality of development than others. Reason impels a person to develop strength, but it is dangerous. Think about how much dirt is around a sporting event, how many maimed physically and morally athletes. Strive to be strong and wise!
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