Harmony of sexual relations in a pair
Love outwardly loses love with her violent passions. Anyone who likes, knows how to understand, to feel, tends more to give than to take, trying not to pull the blanket over himself. It was only after a certain time period knotted sex and it turns out that in this sphere loving everything is in order. By Leo Moiseevich Shcheglov, there are some general rules, and the harmony of sexual relations in the pair depends precisely on them.
Rule 1
Emotions - first and foremost. Many people think that because of inconsistencies in bed broken relationships. Yes, it happens, but more often, on the contrary, due to disturbed emotional ties collapses sex.
When a family leisure spouses have different - this is normal. But should still be bright common emotions, not just hockey - her husband, ballet - his wife. When partners want to have fun together and (maybe - hiking, fishing, horseback riding, skydiving, etc.) in such pairs usually sexual relations are harmonious and bring happiness for years to come. Conclusion: looking for sharing a healthy leisure activities, which is triggered to as anti-stress therapy for men and women simultaneously. Just angry at each other partners struggling to spend your leisure time apart from each other. By the way, giving for many has become a source of additional stress, and not a place of relaxation.
Rule 2
It is important to remember that men, especially younger ones, want more sex and women of all ages often willing to love. To decide on the closeness with a man, a woman must feel to it, at least, tenderness, and better - deeper feelings, because without this it is difficult to feel even excitement. Male same sex want to do something to this woman felt. What exactly, he would understand only later, and if a woman refuses intimacy with him, let him because of his independent, he believes that she rejects him. Women, do not blame a partner in that it cares only sex, understand and accept the fact that sex for young men - the most powerful proof of your love for him. But the younger man can be up to any age, if he retained the sexual health.
Try not to use sexual pleasure as a reward or encouragement. Believe me, this is not the mechanism by which to manipulate as a punishment for "improper conduct". In the middle, but psychologically healthy family sex should be 2-3 times a week, in some families hyperactive senses partners lead to more frequent affection. Smart partner will behave in bed stereotypic, thereby spurring a partner to enhance the erotic culture.
Rule 3
Men like eyes, visually, women - with their ears, that is auditory. This is not a slogan, it's persistence mechanism senses. The entire history of mankind proves this fact. Why do women of all ages and more people watch the appearance than men? Because the woman's beauty gladdens man's eyes, and women, this mechanism is the influence of The Love perfectly memorized. Why did not anyone heard about that in the Middle Ages man languidly standing on the balcony, a woman singing something, accompanying himself on the mandolin? Is a woman's male singing is worse? Of course not, it's just singing it is important for women's ears. Similar examples abound, but the essence of what we have said is rarely a rule of life. People do not realize that the slovenly appearance of the forgotten men, women and words of love and attention to destroy the harmony of the pair.
Simple but stylish haircuts that do not require serious pilings, clothes from trendy natural fabrics, a small amount of make-up (just enough light lashes and tasty lips). Haircuts are not afraid to frequent the soul. A light tan on the skin will make you a stylish, glamorous and fresh, hides uneven skin. In addition, carefully painted brown face is not required. And yet - Tanned woman looks thinner, the sun (even artificial) produces pheromones to attract.
Casanova's secrets are many, but there is a mandatory and universal, those that are good to keep feelings of any woman.
1. All women love hugs, especially hinting at erotic desire. But even if it is not passed by the wife, touching her, stroke, affectionately Slap on a delicious part of the body.
Remember: the more you touch a woman, the quicker you will find yourself in bed with her.
2. All the women are excited, when men talk about their sexual desires, or hint at them. Women need compliments, and if the partner is the seventh change clothes for an hour and the party you're already hopelessly late - it means that she wanted to say that she is very beautiful, and ... to add something kind. Tell her a few compliments, she will blossom and shine. But the compliments speak frankly, and not pro forma.
Rule 4
No one is born experienced. Most people do not even try to explain to partners what they like in bed. This is reminiscent of how to use a sewing machine on the Ethiopian language, you must have patience, and for that we need, apart from passion, emotion. We have to learn to understand each other in bed, you want empathy, the desire to emotionally immerse yourself in a partner. Yes, in the first place emotionally, and only secondarily - phys-ski.
For this suit beautiful erotic films, which are recommended to watch together, possibly with a mild joke, turning into a steady interest in each other. Many women show similar visual aids unconsciously perceive as a peeping on someone. Men should remember that women are auditory, and therefore more likely to use her hearing. Talk about sex, more and more deepening the theme of his interests.
Rule 5
Variety - the enemy of boredom. There is such a thing - erotic boredom. Gradually sex become boring, is hygienic measures such as brushing teeth, and then completely disappears. We can not escape from the harsh truth of life: in each pair, if both partners together long enough for sex stereotyped faces and monotony. Presentiment that now everything is standard, acts as a cold shower, especially for thirty people, not to mention the more "old", well the consequences of this cold showers occur in middle and old age.
As the saying goes: "In a strange barn and its novelty in a woman." Do not be lazy to dream and fulfill fantasies. Remember the movie "9,5 weeks" and "Hot Shots". The more surprising were weasels, the more loving a woman becomes. I do not propose to smear partner honey, cook for her "Loin", put cherry on the navel, and then gently but prudently to clap for him to hit a cherry in the mouth. I'm talking about unusual and unexpected offerings.
Rule 6
Commonality of interests and views of the greatest guarantees marriage satisfaction and stability of relations. Art of communication is not given to everyone. The ability to not only listen but to hear and empathize - a very difficult skill. It is a real and genuine feelings of love, an attempt to be reincarnated as a buddy, look at the world through his eyes, to understand his desires. People are interesting to us only when we see that they are interested in us. This idea is expressed more than two thousand years ago the Roman poet Publius Sirom. Only our genuine interest in the man gives him the opportunity to feel the psychological-sky comfort and emotional warmth, but in this case it is good, pleasant and interesting to us.
Rule 7
Husband - he is not "bad", but he - "the other". Mass of conflict in marriage arises when we require from a partner the same things from himself. It would seem that an honest statement of the problem. No way! Is fundamentally wrong! It does not take into account the fact psychobiological differences in male and female. We are completely different. At his seminars, I suggest to women to answer the question: "Imagine a situation: if you come to China, in what language will communicate with the local?" Of course, English. But only if both the Chinese and you know the language, considered to be international. But for better understanding or you have to learn Chinese, either to him - Russian. Therein lies the desire to understand each other. In families, we are not trying to learn the language of our partners.