Harmony of the senses and mind
How do you determine whether your feeling is true or it eventually gets dull and your lover will go into the category of ex-friends? Whether there is an absolute indicator of your true love? If you have visited a doubt the truth of your feelings, then the first thing you should check - not whether you accept the other senses, such as a passion or strong friendship, for love. There is one important factor that should be noted, by analyzing their own attitudes to the subject of your dreams. Decide that your attitude to it is dominant - a feeling or mind? To do this, do a little introspection.
As a result of your observations you've come to the conclusion that the feeling you are experiencing now, you are completely overwhelmed: you can not live without your beloved, not for one second you can forget about it, everything goes wrong, if its not there, you feel that if someone or something will be on your way, you're ready to do anything to defend your self. Emotionally, you are at the limit - if you delirious or agony. For your relationship is characterized by suspicion and excessive zeal, which originate from the fear of losing your coveted. This description of passion. In your relationship is dominated by sensuous beginning and there is little space management.
Passion - this is not love, but its possibility. You are on the way to a wonderful feeling, just you have to wait awhile until the desire to be close to your chosen one, passing in the discharge of mania, a little blunt, and you can again argue intelligently. While you're in a pretty dangerous phase relationships, because that passion is the cause of many follies committed passionate people. Try to control his actions, not divide life into two halves - your pure and bright feeling and the rest of the world hostile to your relationship. Begin to reason intelligently and do not commit foolish actions, then perhaps over time the passion will grow into a strong and stable sense - in love.
Another option is your relationship to a partner: you are interested to communicate with him, he is to you - a storehouse of wisdom when you're with him, you are comfortable when he's not - you are doing their usual chores. His appearance in your life did not change your habits, occupation and attitude towards life in general. If this is true, then your relationship to a partner - this is probably a strong friendship. Friendship too can grow into a stronger and more strong feeling of affection, and perhaps even love. As long as your relationship is based only on reasonable communicating your feelings are still asleep. Try to open your heart for the strong feelings, do not be afraid, fill your relationship with warmth and humanity, and you can get closer to the inception of true love.

Love - is a complete harmony of the senses and mind . If you've noticed that having a strong feeling, but at the same time, your mind is constantly finds food for thought - you with interesting, apart you are very bored and can not help but think about it, it fills your leisure, but you can not control myself and do other things in his absence - hence, you are equally combines two elements - cool mind and warm heart. This is a sign that you're on the right track - you really like your vote.