Hawthorn thorns from the evil eye, damage
Hawthorn is used in cases where the devil does not give people living in houses or apartments. Dry branches of hawthorn is necessary to expand the room and dried flowers, fumigate the premises.
• The liquid extract from the fruit eliminates the tachycardia and arrhythmia.
• Decoction of flowers and leaves are used at elevated thyroid function.
• Tincture of the flowers used in the vascular spasm in the brain, obesity, heart, atherosclerosis, hypertension, rheumatic heart disease, cardiosclerosis, circulatory disturbances.
• tincture of flowers in their impact on the human body is much stronger than the tincture of the fruit.
• Decoction of flowers and leaves is shown in psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis, acute polyarthritis.
• Decoction of flowers after oral exposure helps with the noise in the ears, lowers cholesterol, but it locks up the bile in the gallbladder.Hawthorn thorns
• Fruits and flowers are used for insomnia, dizziness and shortness of breath. Decoction of the flowers and fruit are inside of the heart in neurosis, asthma, caused by heart disease, blood flow to the head and with strong emotional upsets.
• alcohol tincture of the flowers and fruits are used for the weak of the heart in old age, the general weakness of the body, resulting in physical and mental fatigue, palpitations.