He chose not to you
When you choose to have another,
And next to it sarcastically condemned,
In my eyes hurt not read,
I feel sorry for her, whose heart you're cool.
I think every woman at least once in my life encountered such a situation, when she preferred to another ... This is the other, usually appears suddenly and with incredible ease distracts you from under the noses of a man whom you have devoted themselves without balance. Your once-loved and adored by not bothering to even meet with you to dot the "I", he calls back and quietly said that love is gone, the old sense no longer exists, and the woman he met - the woman of his dreams.
The first thing that comes to mind after such a conversation - with you that something is not right! You start to dig into yourself and try to discover the causes that you believe would destroy your love. Naturally blame only themselves, begin to find fault with their appearance, manners into question its viability, etc. In general, self-assessment rolls on an inclined ...
During this period, for you it does not matter that you are making other men, you have signs of attention or give gifts. You only need OH! Further, as a rule the situation has the two most popular development. The first way - it's depression, self-flagellation, the tears, apathy. World collapsed, no one in that it no longer expects no faith in relationships, etc. Along this route, first come, many of us. True, realizing in the end, tears of grief that will not help - most have the sense and strength to move in the opposite direction.
When a psychic wound is no longer hurts, but it aches, we suddenly become aware that we still stand for something! Yes, we are simply not appreciated! You are bursting with curiosity, and who is the beautiful stranger who chose you? As a rule, our imagination draws us to an extraordinarily beautiful woman, vibrant, energetic, etc. However, in most cases, we were surprised to see a particularly far from the ideals we have drawn, but relaxed and impudent.
And here comes an epiphany! A woman who stole your loved one, simply deprived of complexes! It certainly does not think, would look like if he does something, or is it she is not afraid to be a little close and a little giddy. Yes, she is deeply on the drum, that someone thinks its ridiculous! Maybe that's what she stands out for its courage and ability to be herself and carries her to the men?
Of the total costs to draw lessons from parting too. If this separation will teach you to be open and would deprive the complexes, it means that your soul throwing were not in vain. The most important thing to understand and accept the fact that true love you have not yet met. And even if you think that this particular man was the one, try to put in their hearts the new emotion.
Yesterday's defeat is often a stepping stone for tomorrow's victory. You can get depressed and the cycle is at its shortcomings, and cry about lost hope and love. And you can become wiser and stronger. Usually comes after a separation, you are trying to change, but still for it ... Can you imagine how your ex will meet you on the street and did not know! He would bite his elbows, he realizes his mistake!
Changing you do not notice that in fact you are no longer important to view this very purpose, for which you started all this. You do not need and you do not even touch the fact that he had parted with that which according to him was a woman of his life!
He does not want you because you went up a notch, you are surrounded by other people, you have any other interests. All that has been associated with your former lover - is yesterday! Until recently, you almost hated him for what he gave you, and now you say it - thank you .... Because he made you become a bold, be strong and confident and know that you have not met her true love!