Health as a reflection of thoughts
Have you ever considered that people tuned depressive, which is constantly plagued by bad thoughts, much more likely to visit doctors than good souls and the optimists? Scientists have conducted studies and found that "bad" thoughts activate the prefrontal Front right cerebral hemisphere, and the "good" result in increased activity of the same zone, but the left hemisphere. And these reactions affect the body's immune system, such as when to plant a pessimist, then 6 months later he has produced far fewer antibodies against flu than the optimist! I think the reason to think there is!
Do not save up resentment ...
A source of serious diseases can be our offense. When a person is hurt, he always remembers who offended him what he was told, etc. This situation it scrolls in the head again and again, forming energy "burn" through which the vital forces hurt go to the person who wronged him. That's why people are vindictive, who have long held grievances in itself - often get sick and live on less than good souls. As a rule, people who are very difficult to forgive have serious liver disease.
In nature, there is a simple rule - such is attracted to like. If you hold resentment in itself, store them, by themselves they will not disappear, but only multiply because your negative energy will attract new offenders. Recall the well-known old saying: The offended carry water!
We have to learn to rejoice and to cultivate positive thinking. Good thoughts will attract the best opportunity in your life and harmonize your energy and then no illnesses you will not be too strong. My tongue - my enemy
Word not a sparrow, but we sometimes do not quite pay report said. We speak in jest terrible things, not realizing that what may undermine our good health. A simple example of life, the woman's husband drank heavily in excitement it more than once said - "do not want to see him" - as a result of several years, almost lost her eyesight. She has developed cataracts, the treatment was futile.
People who swear, are always talking shit, break down the Creek, as a rule, suffer from various diseases of the throat. In this case, the more they swear and say bad - the heavier the disease.
When someone tells us something unpleasant, or some nonsense that we do not want to hear, we are mentally or aloud to say: my ears could not hear you! And then time passes and we get sick otitis, and we have reduced hearing. But we ourselves have given such a setup to your body, we do not want to hear!
A festive table is not just possible to hear the following sentence: My sick liver will not survive! We are talking, among other things, stating the fact that eating and drinking very much and overpower all this will be very difficult, but very few people to try to understand the true meaning of this phrase! You konstatiruete fact that your liver is sick! The more you say it, the faster it hurts you. When we were very frightened, we say: "I have a little broken heart was not 'or' I just do not insult enough" ... it is not innocuous phrase, we give ourselves the installation, that if we are greatly afraid we may have had a heart attack, or If we strongly perenervnichaem, we can "break" a stroke. If possible, avoid the following phrases: sits in the liver, the heart of stone, standing in the throat, I'm just going crazy, it hurts to see, etc.
All diseases of ... fear?
But not only the negative thoughts and careless words can cause serious illness, psychologists believe that the basis for any illness is fear. Depending on what it brings fear, the disease will be projected on different parts of the body. For example, if a man realizes that he chose the wrong path is not excluded that it may have a problem with his legs as his feet carry us through life. And problems with them - it is a signal that it is time to change something and farther in this direction to go is not worth it.
Eye problems can arise if a person is constantly all do not like, he's too picky, as to itself and to others. All he sees is not so, as might be desired, and if he is also constantly worried about the future, looking to the future with alarm, afraid of him - may develop myopia. People who have problems with self-esteem, and fear of change, afraid to breathe life in deeply, usually have problems with the lungs and respiratory system.
Everyone familiar with the situation when a child on the eve of the control of the temperature jumps sharply. On examination, the pediatrician found out that this is not a disease, just a child is afraid to get a deuce! Need to explain to a child that estimates of such costs are not wanted! Of fear as people get sick or gastritis, the disease overtakes the restless, self-doubt, that with or without reason, experience, etc. Cramps - is also restless and fearful disease of people who constantly live in suspense, the future frightens them, etc.
I'm an optimist!
Dutch researchers found that people are optimistic by nature, rarely get sick and die from cardiovascular disease than the pessimists.
Also optimism helps reduce the risk of mortality and other serious illnesses. People tuned optimistic always recovers quicker than a pessimist. A number of cases known to medicine, when a person could survive, but died because they did not want to fight! Conversely, it would seem terminally ill patient, whose days are numbered, and suddenly went on the mend!
In psychology, has long been known that optimists live much longer than pessimists. Emotional state is very strongly reflected in his health. If you think about yourself is bad, blame themselves, feeling guilty, eventually your mind will materialize in the disease of an organ, usually the body of the weakest.
Stop thinking about the poor, do not save up resentment. Think of yourself as a healthy, happy man! We very often find themselves invent the disease, always a cheat, slight malaise we seem to have a fatal illness. As a result, the disease can really come, because people unconsciously wants it, constantly thinking about it! Your health depends on your thoughts. Good thoughts - this is life, love, health. Bad - self-destruct, so think only about good!