Very young children roll their tantrums because they often lack the words to express their needs. Dissatisfaction from a misunderstanding accumulates and results in tears and cries. naughty child of preschool age, who regularly rolls up his tantrums, and who does not suffer delays in language and cognitive development, perhaps, is under stress. Reasons for this may be a lot - too much or too little adults, neglect of his needs, or cruel punishment in the family discord, physical illness associated with severe pain, excessive spoiled or lack of social skills. To prevent the problem consider how to provide children with sufficient opportunities to access feelings and emotions. Emotional breakdowns will be less if you give the child the opportunity to act on his own plan, and understanding (with your support and supervision), ie will not inhibit his initiative and independence.
How to cope with the problem, if it already exists
Try to ignore the tantrum, just make sure that the problem remains within the limits of security. Remember that the goal of such behavior - to achieve the desired or let off steam. In any case, if you pay attention to the tantrum (whether positive or negative), you will help ensure that such things happened more often. If your child hysteria leads to confusion surrounding, then quickly take him to the side away from the "visitors".
Calmly tell him: "It sometimes happens that a man very angry, and that's fine. But you do not normally when that person begins to interfere with everyone else. When you feel that calm, you can come back to us (the children). " Ask to be with you for a child watched more experienced people - perhaps you, without even knowing it, doing something that provokes a child's tantrum. Discuss possible reasons for this behavior with other family members. However, think about how to solve this problem.
Baby bite
Most often bite children aged 12 to 24 months. Cause "kusachesti" may be teething, excitement, anger. Sometimes a child does not have enough words, and trying to get a toy, he bites, considering it a good way to get my way. This occurs most often as an immediate response, an impulsive act, and the child is too young to think about some other, more appropriate action.
Help children express their feelings and needs with the words: "Kate said:" Give, give. " That means she wants to play with this toy. " "Katya says:" No, no. " It means, Kate does not want to eat. " If a child is upset about something, do not rush to take his required chores you. First, help me to calm down - to hold hands, talk to them until you get a smile. Make sure that the child was safe enough items for cutting teeth. Toddlers are usually too small to correlate with each other that they are someone to bite, and the fact that the adult is angry. Therefore, in such situations, the punishment is usually of little help.
Better reassurance that someone was bitten, and quite dramatically, say "Snapper": "It's painful!" Your face should be strict to a naughty child see that you do not approve of. Carefully observe and try to figure out what is wrong "kusachesti. If you can, try to catch him at that moment, when he was only intent on biting. Stop him and say: "No! Will be hurt. " If the child is ready to bite out of desperation - he took away a toy, stop it and help the "voice" needs: "Tell him" Give ". If the child bites at a particular time - before bedtime, dinner - think that you can change the mode. For example, before lunch give him a piece of carrot, stalk.
If a child is too naughty and crying
Such behavior is clearly worried, and sometimes annoying adults or leads to the fact that the child begin to tease peers. To change this situation, it is necessary to understand the reasons for the child's behavior. Make sure that the baby is healthy, that no one scares, not hurt it on the sly. Encourage your child plenty of fascinating active workshops. Give him enough freedom so that it can decide and act as it sees fit. Remove the sense of insecurity and uncertainty that from across the room talking to him: "I can see how you draw," "You decided to clean up in the doll room."
Tries to meet the needs of the child: it should be a comfortable place for rest and games should be in the free use of toys. If a child feels the need to constantly chew on something, put in a conspicuous place a bowl with slices of carrot, cabbage, beets, turnips. Do not limit the drawing, asking to explain the drawings. How to cope with the problem, if it already is? If the naughty child is three years old or older, do not react to his tears, but tell me: "Tell me what's wrong, and I know how to help you." When the child is sedated, tell him: "How nice to see (playing, talking to you) when you're not crying."
If a child starts talking whimsical tone, interrupt him and say: "Speak properly, so I could understand what was going on." Tell your child that he can cry as you like, but only in a place where nobody will disturb you. Observe your child, make sure that its conduct was not associated with a specific time of day or certain people. For example, a child may cry at bedtime, dinner. In this case, to be flexible and change the sleep time and meal.