Help change the destiny Barber
Unlucky people you met? I would say just a chronic loser. This woman was Tamara Petrovna, with whom I worked in one department. Her constant "adventures" have become so glaring that we are all the female half of its staff were literally push out to some grandmother, Vorozhko, fortune-teller, someone who would it rid of all these mishaps, but let's take first things first ...
String of bad luck began with that wonderful husband of Tamara Petrovna, her beloved and faithful went just once the other left. Expect such a dirty trick by the man with whom she lived for 30 years, one soul, and bore him two children, Tamara could not. To hide their disappointment and resentment toward her husband away she was able to exactly two days. On the third she wept bitterly directly in the presence of a customer who dropped in for our office and could barely restrain his sobs told us of his grief. Of course, we reassured her, supported, listened to all that she grieved, the woman was genuinely sorry.
A week later, her granddaughter was born, the joy knew no bounds, Tamara even forgave the guilty man, brought to the work of champagne and we noisily greeted her with a new status - "Grandma." It would seem, here it is luck, wait for grandchildren, reconciled with her husband, but the joy did not last long, a week later her granddaughter found some serious disease that can not be cured, and doctors said that, unfortunately, a child is likely to be disabled. On Tamara Petrovna was terrible to watch, everything had collapsed at one point, it thinner and thinner, but as it turned out troubles were just beginning

Hubby is still collected his belongings and was gone! Not hard to guess where it went ... The most difficult moment he left Tamara one with a broken personal lives and sick granddaughter. But it was not enough, down the stairs in one frosty morning, Tamara P. slipped and fell, but so badly that he broke his hand. Month poor woman went to the cast. It would seem, well, what more could fall on my head that unhappy?
Tamara just returned to work began continuous conflicts with his superiors, we ourselves have seen that it's creative our leadership with or without a woman is already on the verge of a nervous breakdown. But it was not enough, the day of the salary Tamara managed dovezti not honestly earned money to the house. The transport her purse neatly cut blade and pulled the purse with all its contents.
There are contraindications. Consult with your doctor.
I finished I do not know how it all went through those six months, but it happens all the time any trouble, just a couple of weeks after the epic with a purse, her son had an accident, itself, thank God, was not injured, but the car was smashed into a pancake . Moreover, they are constantly was wound with a sick grandchild on the centers, hospitals, everywhere nerves, money, etc. I do not remember who first started talking about psychics, but eventually all the women agreed that Tamara's troubles occur in the life of an ulterior motive to get rid of them can only help a professional.
Tamara P. man who believes it long and hard waved from our assumptions and recommendations, but what happened in a short time, it became for her the last straw. Male pinned with his newly-made wife Tamara's apartment and said that they will now live together, as his companion, not his apartment, and rent an apartment they now can not because he had problems with work and money are sorely lacking. Tamara is suing for divorce and division of property, but there are things she had to tolerate the presence of extraneous person in her apartment.
To Grandma and fortune-tellers to go Tamara Petrovna still flatly refused, while my colleagues and I decided to enlighten her with the help of relevant literature, peddling all sorts of books about the evil eye, damage, Hex, stealing their pochityvala Tamara. And then one day our office has crossed the threshold of an unknown woman ... In short haircut brilliant brunette woman, a la vamp ... looking closer, we just gasped - so this is our Tamara!
Tamara was the nature of the blonde, her long, lush hair, clarified it a little bit of this and its already delicate features seemed literally angelic, it was very quiet correct woman, her whole image radiates warmth and kindness. It is not surprising that we do not know, the changes were just striking! We are naturally bombarded her with questions, we can not wait to find out just what happened that caused her so much to change its image?
As it turns out one of the books purchased by us, which stealthily read Tamara, it was written that during the troubles, diseases, failures that are endlessly pursuing you should just cut their hair and say to himself: "Let them go with all my failures and unhappiness. " Tamara has decided not to just cut your hair she decided to change its image and start a new life, leaving Tamar a failure somewhere .. in the past.
You will not believe it, but then again if Tamara was born in the first place, she pushed a three-neck husband and mistress, changed the locks on the doors, but my husband said that before a court of occupancy can he alone without "friends" . Secondly, just a couple of months in the life of Tamara, a new man with whom she left in summer vacation abroad. Granddaughter, gradually got on their feet, the disease was curable, showed one specialist, second, third and hope.
Even our guide looked at Tamara P. other eyes - this woman can stand up for themselves! Well, we all have done for yourself one simple conclusion, changes in the exterior not only help get rid of complexes, to open a new strength and opportunities and make others perceive you in a completely new, they really have magical properties to stop the flow troubles.
After all, our ancestors during the protracted illness, grief and failure cut their hair, believing that by doing so get rid of all the "dirt" that has settled on their tips. Of course, cut your hair is only half the battle, the most important thing is not to break down and believe in themselves, to resist, to fight not to stand aside and do not drift. Tamara is not just changed the hair color and hair, it really became a different person, she became the mistress of his fate!