Help me choose a profession
Well, finally, your child has reached final grade. It's time to think about what career to follow. Do not forget that the choice of a profession - it is very responsible. Choosing a profession, we choose our way of life. Being determines consciousness, and hence our profession in the end will have some impact on us. There is such a term - a professional deformation. This means that, despite differences in upbringing, temperament and level of income, people who are employed in one area, similar in many respects. For example, all doctors are different rare cynicism in matters of life and death, nebrezglivostyu (everyone knows an anecdote about how students in the dissecting dine without leaving a corpse), and suspiciousness (no doctor undertakes to treat relatives). Lawyers overly suspicious and prone to reassurance and re-checking, any problem for them, first and foremost - a case of practice, and only after they notice the person behind the problem. You can continue indefinitely.
Choosing a profession, a child must, above all, to define for themselves what he'd like to do, taking into account their interests, abilities and hobbies. It is also necessary to take into account the ability to perform certain actions, and results should be quite successful, that is, the speed must be combined with the quality. Help me choose a profession of their child, given the situation on the labor market, the demand for specialists in this specialty. Complete success can only be achieved if you manage to successfully combine all these criteria in a single coherent system. If one of the criteria clearly outweighs the other, there is reason to believe that the choice was incorrect.
Young people often have a bitter feeling that nobody understands. This also applies to professional work. In this case it may be advisable to change the type of activity - perhaps at the very beginning has been made the wrong choice. Generally, before entering the university a young man can identify the type of their future profession, in which he could achieve the greatest success. For example, if you have a penchant for physical sciences, then you direct road to mathematicians, computer programmers, builders, architects, designers. Those who are attracted to nature, I advise you to become a veterinarian, biologist, chemist. If you have a clear ability in interpersonal communication, you can become a psychologist, doctor, lawyer, salesman. The list is almost endless, as the list of areas of application of human abilities.

Often, children are following in the footsteps of parents, and bring home the glory and honor because they are worthy successors to the affairs of their ancestors. No wonder that there is such a thing as a Labour dynasty! But above all, when choosing a future profession should listen to your inner voice, their feelings, and of course, consult with professionals, so you do not regret stupidly wasted time that could be consumed in much greater benefit.