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Hierarchy of state power

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Hierarchy of state power

Constructing a hierarchy of state power and the state itself, as is customary to say, " the hierarchy of state power ", at first glance is its capacity, avoiding various small domestic crises. But it is only at first glance. Rigid vertical of power sooner or later lead to a crisis of the system as a whole. Moreover, it does not protect citizens from the global crisis. The hierarchical system is always limited freedom, the consequence is reduction in the creative potential of people and, of course, of the state. It should therefore be a fundamentally new way to look at the existing governance structure and not be afraid to experiment! The current crisis has shown that there is no state system, which would be immune from the crisis. It's time to look for innovative solutions! Power should not be over people, and together with people. The purpose of the state - the happiness of man and society.

The human factor in the power

One of the manifestations of the crisis of the state lies in the fact that, at all levels of government are for the most part (about 60 per cent) mentally immature people. It is understood that their mental state does not correspond to biological age, which means that such people are in constant life crisis. We see how the identity crisis is already deployed across the state. Everything is connected! The so-called human factor is manifested in full measure. The man turns out to be "misplaced" because the scale of his thinking does not match the scale of the challenges ahead.
As a result of such an official, even if he subjectively wants to do only good, will bring evil to society as a whole. In the Soviet Union and during the restructuring we seen enough on the many examples of limited thinking leaders at all levels, up to the heads of state. And abroad, we often see similar disparities. Thus, the state becomes a hostage of its shortsighted policies on education of the individual. Without paying due attention to the harmonious education of the people, the government repeatedly finds himself in crisis situations.

Do not be afraid to think globally!

I have asked many people what they think about the future of Russia. As they see it, in what direction our country is that it can give to the world? Almost all the matter put to a standstill because no one seriously thought about the future. Even those who put on a post to see a few steps forward, such as members of the Duma. Most often, people do not ask such questions. How so? We live here, this is our space. His condition determines our lives. Each of our lives! You can go with the flow, surrendering to the will of those who direct the flow. In the stream of evolution has many branches, created by people, and entire peoples and nations have repeatedly found themselves at an impasse ... First and foremost because the majority held the position of the indifferent and thoughtless trust in those who took upon himself the power. The government is not always the most harmonious and mature personality. But they determine the path of state development, and most subject, holding the position of the "little man". No, the responsibility for the way of development of society must take every one of us! Try to understand that helping the development of life, and that interferes with, and make the right choice. Consciously define their own path in life, the way his family and country. Do not be afraid to think globally. And the more global will be the man, the more global will be the state.

Steps lead to nowhere hierarchy

In crisis there is also a hierarchical system of governance. The growing consciousness of the people compels them to seek more free systems, which leads to tension and crisis. Any hierarchy (pyramid structure of power) - is the child of reason, in which there is no love. The hierarchical principle was not the only or best way to management. But now the hierarchy with varying degrees of rationality embraced all spheres of life, and abandon them at once impossible - come chaos. At the same time to realize that a hierarchical approach leads to a deadlock. At best, it's a cyclical way, walking around, and sooner or later have to find other areas of development. Sooner, without waiting for the damaging crisis. Reason creates a hierarchy, puts them in person, and then comes up with different methods and schemes that promote survival in these structures.

The more powerful structure, the less noticeable in her own person. Reason, climbing the hierarchical ladder of reasoning, is expanding its horizon, but more and more removed from the lower levels where the greatest number of people. With the "height of the" individuals merge into a "people", "weight", "mob", "ohlos ... As a result, climbing the ladder are formed human qualities that put him over the people. He becomes an integral part of the structure and increasingly dependent on it. No wonder they say that the biggest challenge - a test of power, which are units of people.

Down with the level of the hierarchy

Priorities of the modern state, economy, finance and the army did not meet the requirements of modern times. In the States, tending to the totalitarian regimes come first power structures, internal security ... company stands on his head! His life is determined not by culture, education, health and spirituality, and power and financial structure. Money from the instrument of exchange became the host of people. Life on earth led by banks and global financial system. Governmental structures designed to be human assistants, reign and rule. That is, the state created seemingly for the organization of a happy life, focused on solving the main task - protecting yourself from the "enemies foreign and domestic." But this is the shortest way to the "precipice above the abyss", and confirms that walking on the earth a global crisis. To avoid crises, society needs a new strategy for human development, harmonious personality, mature men and women and happy families! And the state that will choose this strategy, waiting for a great future ...

The revival of the state through the revival of the family

As of such wonderful slogans go to a real business? After all, necessary for the society, people can not come from somewhere else from the outside. Need an appropriate environment, where raised to a harmonious and mature personality. The first and most important of such environment is the family. The state should run the elimination of family literacy and effective system of adult education. Means it takes much less than the elimination of the consequences of a crisis ...

And some countries are already moving in this direction. Recently I was in Scandinavia, and said very respectful to the person. For example, in Norway, on the shore of the fjord, is a small village only thirty houses. For it is a beautiful suspension bridge. The present bridge to car traffic. Its construction is about shlos a sum that is evaluated, probably thousands of such villages. But in order to make life easier for hundreds of its citizens, the state is not stingy, and joined the village with the mainland. Instructive example of the same oil. Residents of Norway receive a certain percentage of every gallon of crude oil in the camp. Thus, realization of the principle of public ownership of natural resources. To prioritize the value of human society becomes a happy and growing without crises.
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